Tic tac toe
By – Pamarty Venkataramana
Fair game. Fair Play.
Two powerful phrases. As respectable as a dinosaur model in some museum.
A ‘fair game’ is admittedly where both players have exactly the same chance of winning.
A ‘fair choice’ ensures all possible options have an equal probability of being chosen.
But, can ‘fair play’ prevail in a society which boasts of the constitutional edict ‘that all men are equal but some are more equal than others’ ?
Next to impossible.
One may ask -‘ Why is that so ? ‘
The golden maxim of jurisprudence is most certainly the one which states that -‘ your right ends where my nose ends and mine ends where your nose starts!’.
Legislature. Executive. Judiciary.
The peoples’ representatives largely comprise of illiterates, semi-literates, goons and other such individuals who are propped up by the Darwin theory of -‘might is right!’
‘Might’ here connotes either money-power, muscle-power or casteism which is but a desi-version of racism which is widely rampant in offshore lands.
So, there is no question of a ‘fair play’ or level playing-field .Yet, they get elected to be seated in August Houses of the Parliamentary Democracy: and, have been enjoined with discharging the onerous responsibility of serving as ‘law-makers’.
The Executive comprises of fresh college pass-outs who, once selected by a finalists interview session, get inducted as well as indoctrinated famously into the ‘Yes, Minister’ mould of governance systems in a Constitutional Democracy.
They, like grape-wine, supposedly mature with time-bound promotions in the ladder of service,to become bigger than Big Bosses of reality shows of the idiot-box.
They are notoriously loyal to the ‘old boys Club’ and set rules, override instructions of political bosses and their writ rules over even ministerial, legislative and court orders even when it comes to stage of implementation as also the ubiquitous case of non-implementation.
Since their cadres, ranks and service roles are further sub-divided,the question of ‘fair game’ does not arise.
Judiciary is a multi-layered pillar where the lower rungs are filled up by novices and higher ones mostly by sycophants who are affiliated to one political outfit or the other and aspire for these positions more for immunity and colonial era type of powers over fellow human beings than to work overtime, day and night, or to help restore a Peaceful society through Law, Order and Justice.
There is an old coterie style of official as well as ‘private’ secretary category of personnel who cordon off public weal from the bigwigs of society called Judges. Their car drivers, maid servants and sub-staff pitch in as grease and oil in such a most fragile, brittle yet mysteriously robust system.
Hence, in a Republic where ‘fair play’ and ‘fair game’ are visibly absent,Lady Law is glad to be perennially blind-folded.
Tic tac toe.
Enter the dragon.
Communism. In it’s various manifestations as Naxalites, Maoists, Leftists, Fundamentalists, Liberals, Seculars, Intelligentsia, Political Analysts, Filmmaker’s,Critics, Historians,
Activists, Social workers, Social Media Trolls, the dragon has evolved to merge from amoeba form to dragon to the currently deadlier than COVID-19 pandemic virus as the similarly extra-constitutional realm called as -‘Mass media!’ : all the moss it has gathered over the decades of evolution of distorted communication channels has jettisoned it in the neo-Goebbels era of artificial intelligence-driven statistical society to be heralded as the Saviour of Society and not as the hydra-headed demon which devours both truth and sanity, today.
Tic tac toe has thus,been rendered obsolete.
Video games and virtual wars on good conscience waged relentlessly by those ill-qualified to comment on the highly specialised spheres of Legislature, Executive and Judiciary has led to a complete anarchy-like situation, in contemporary times, worldwide.
Confusion and utter chaos.Mud-slinging and smearing-campaigns.Defamation and extortion activities.
Is it destruction of others?
No. It embodies and entails self-destruction as well.
Which sordid truth,sadly enough,these demented men and women fail to realise even after crippling of the whole world in this most eventful and non-happening year of 2020( year of the novel coronavirus).
Institutions are being dismantled.Etiquette and customs are given a go-by.Peace and harmony are being disbanded
Parliamentarians are hated.
Administrators are compromised.
Courts are disrespected.
Contempt of court is valued at a meagre One Rupee.
Wild-card, loose-tongue politicians are openly challenging Acts of Parliament and bad-mouthing the Nation, in enemy-lands.
Where is national security ?
Where is the military intelligence?
Where is ‘fair play’ ?
Where are the guardian angels of the Constitutional Democracy and why is the worship of Gods-Goddesses by the righteous, devoutly patriotic and zealous citizens falling short and our ‘all men are equal but some men are more equal than others’ – society not being released from the clutches of the outright crooked,those greedier than pigs and stooping to eulogise mafiaso rather than burying the known as well as unknown scamsters?
Why is the absolute majority Parliament not rising up to enact an Uniform Civil Code and truly unite all into One Nation?
Why are they not prosecuting quislings who spew venom in public and from behind television-studio cameras?
Why are gubernatorial positions offered on a platter to babus beyond age of superannuation?
Why are known unethical advocates and doctors still being garlanded and paraded by lensmen of kinsmen of the Rulers?
Why are dummy reporters and biased newscasters being allowed to merge religion with faith and distort Hinduism with drugged aberrations and obnoxious depictions in guise of ‘creative thinking’ even as all continue to be immersed in false narrative of conflict of Hindus and Muslims when the actual age-old internecine war is between Christianity and Islam.
For, all know that Hinduism is as an ocean and desert religions are all about herds, flocking together and grabbing others fascination.
Isn’t that at the core of repeated attempts being made to obliterate the true culture and history of a great Nation which was split into parts as one portion for those who were fanatically obsessed by an ‘imported religion’ called Islam and those who have had thousands of centuries of prosperous civilisation well before the desert-religions emanated? Is blasphemy only for the intolerant faiths and not applicable to a mighty religion called Hinduism?
More importantly, why are today’s triumvirate not ordering a halt through their grapevine,to all the melodrama being enacted against the Three Pillars, by mobster-like bunches of studio-scarecrows who seem to think they have a larger than life existence.Larger than Narcissism. As dangerous as Communism itself.
India must wake up, arise from stupor to remind all that stupidity, like wickedness, has its boundaries:and,that a Constitutional Democracy is not a game of kabbadi,Kho Kho,monopoly or snakes and ladders or oneupmanship.
It ought to be a fair game of fair play like tic tac toe.
One bold step by the First Citizen is all it would take to mute all the dragons – who are spitting fire at (from within and from outside the country), at least a billion souls.
Tic tac toe.
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