The lone mariner. Alone at sea. In high seas, dark storms and on rocky shores. He has no team of sailors nor gadgetry to map his coordinates. No satellite phone. Nor, a ship with a huge mast. Just a little old ship. His years of sea torn wrinkles on a rugged face. The only luxury being a pair of soldier’s gum boots he used zealously from days of compulsory conscription in the territorial army.
No companion ship. No hands to hire. But, he felt at home at sea. Never sea-sick .
But, what keeps him drawing back to the still waters of high, calm sea after those tidal waves lasting at his old ship ? Definitely not the lure of treasures from sunken ships at bottom of the sea. Not, any yearning to log sea-miles for any book of records.
Believe it or not. He once espied a creature that fit description of a mermaid. Out against grey rocks of the ‘island of Liberty’ as it was called. As the name heralds, all and anyone was at liberty to visit, picnic or live on that hundred acre body of land. Reportedly, full of flora and fauna. There even was a huge old flag of the first world’s ‘big-brother nation’ futtering in the wind atop the highest hillock there. But, no mortal ever dares to step on that island. For fear of the huge dragon that spits fire.
One does not know for certain whether it was a mythical creature or a real freak beast which captured the sight of the first minister who was sent to build a shack, raise a white flag and put up a tall Red Colored Cross in symbol of being the one messenger of God to whosoever primitive tribes resided there as natives. Rumor spread of the blessed old priest swimming for his life leaving behind the armory of Faith the very first dusk. Fortunately for him, he was rescued by a passing merchant ship. It is a different tale that his rescuers found him drunk as a fish.
Thus, for all you know, it was a ‘wet’ hallucination which frightened the man of no imagination. He only followed a little book version of life which he adhered to, religiously.
Nevertheless, the lone mariner began to frequent the twelve nautical miles around the island of Liberty in real hope of catching sight of a UFO or the lovely mermaid who beckoned him from afar one full moon night but vanished when he anchored his ship and ambled along to the spot where he had caught her seated atop the rock.
His search continues.
As do, we the people, who cast our votes, poll after poll, at elections conducted for local bodies, state legislative assemblies and for the union general election.
For that beautiful mermaid. On this, our land, larger than that ‘island of Liberty’.
Fear not folks, if not the lone mariner, one among this billion-plus strong nation will surely spot her. Liberty is real. Freedom is a feeling. Expressions are free. Justice is a known unknown. Constitution is as that flag flying high.
We breathe. We search. We meander. In search of sanity. With pleasure. Whole-heartedly. But, she eludes .
A wholesome life , free of taxes, rid of terror and full of contentment . At a job well done by people’s leaders, equitable policies & a democratic nation of erudites.
Island of Liberty. Where Liberty is marooned. And, so-called liberals play havoc with the systems, institutions and most significantly, behave as the clones of Dr. Goebbels.
Avoid left. Turn right. Look ahead. Land ahoy! – says the mind’s compass of the lone mariner . ..
Dreams are not a mere translation of the sub-conscious mind. They can help fathom the mysteries of a sea-like life journey too. Provided, the ‘herd-mentality’ is shrugged off by those basking in the glory of power.
To innocent readers, the priest symbolizes the governments we elect and the lone mariner ?
Right-thinking citizen.
Don’t we all co-own this ‘Island Of Liberty?’
Related articles by the same author:-
- Dip in Ganga for Identity -Engineering - February 14, 2025
- Nation Unchained, People in Chains - February 10, 2025
- He Pushed Me! - December 23, 2024
Dreams are not a mere translation of the sub-conscious mind. They can help fathom the mysteries of a sea-like life journey too. Provided, the ‘herd-mentality’ is shrugged off by those basking in the glory of power.