The five-trillion Trophy!
By- Pamarty Venkataramana
A high moral sense and respect for justice is the need of the times if we are to steer this land towards a #NewIndia .
Does widening the chasm between the ‘rich’ and the ‘poor’ of India by ‘rewarding’ the highest tax payers with public spaces being christened after them result in a greater damage to society by fomenting disdain in minds of the less privileged citizenry? Would it not result in creating more ‘naxal’ bands thus resulting in a breakdown of law and order in a ‘civil society’ ?
Does not a ‘digital economy’ demand that all economic transactions beyond a limit of rupees three lakhs demand that these be transacted only online and not via cheques and such ‘instruments of controversy’ ? Would it not help reduce the quantity of wasteful litigation in courts resting on ‘cheque-bouncing’ issues? And,isn’t it both immoral and unlawful to issue a post-dated cheque knowing fully well that the possibility of money coming into an account is uncertain? Why then is such an unfair practice allowed to be continued by a #GoodGovernance Government?
Where then will the need to levy a penalty for ‘higher volume cash drawings’ spring from?
Does not the concept of a #OneNationOneLaw demand that civil code be applicable uniformly to all citizens and across cross-sections of society? Would it not be deemed to be a continuing travesty of justice if the absolute majority Parliament fails to codify an #UniformCivilCode and thereby letting a perpetration of many a minor crime and unending growth of disharmony in the country? Why does not the Government or an opposition party pilot a Bill to debate on the proposed common civil code ?
Does not a modern society merit and demand the co-existence of diverse occupations and vocational pursuits including disciplines,trades and lesser functional duties including scavengers,chowkidars and chaiwalahs? Would not the hype and hooplas about ‘start-ups’ derail the psyche and strength of our society ? Did India not witness this when the dotcom bubble burst after the Y2-scare was addressed by our workforce overseas?
Would it not be prudent to harness the available surplus talent of advocates in the country to form mohalla Courts that may help address civilian issues and petty offences? Would it not reduce the burden of existing ‘courts of law’ to address grave matters of life and death or those involving complex problems of jurisprudence to be decided by higher courts in the land?
Would it not be sensible to constitute five Benches of the apex Court in the five zones of India and allow retinue appeals and local PiLs to be decided by these arms of Supreme Court? Why cannot the Head office of the Supreme Court in the nation’s capital hear only those involving complicated files requiring greater wisdom of the combined group of sitting Judges ?
Would it not be foolhardy to raise the age of retirement of government servants beyond the present limit? How would the younger generation get jobs if these older ones blocked their entry ? A healthier work force can certainly be a bigger asset to the gross domestic product generation activities.
Would it not be the bounden duty of every member of Union Cabinet and elected representatives of the people to post their health records every fortnight online on the government portal? What ails the nation of 150-billion from recruiting able and right ministers for the ministries they are chosen to head?
Would it not be right to reintroduce a National Judicial Accountability Bill in an amended form to meet the rest of scrutiny and acceptance by the Supreme Court rather than injecting policemen into court halls or court-establishment to monitor the unabated menace of corruption in Court Registry and the environment of justice?
Would it not be most sensible as also appropriate to let indigenous, newer technologies developed by our countrymen to augment generation of electricity via alternative means which are more powerful than solar, wind and other hybrid techniques? Wouldn’t it be a truly #NewIndia if such ample and cheaper power supply sources are made available to supply water from major rivers via pipelines to whole of the country for irrigation, drinking and other needs?
Would it not be enabling the setting up of more and more industries- medium scale,heavy as well as small scale ones to thereby generate lakhs and lakhs of jobs if power was supplied in such a manner and in abundance by the use of path breaking technologies?
Would not the monster of caste-reservation become impotent, redundant and meaningless then?
Would it not be the duty of the State to provide universal education and healthcare free of costs to each and every citizen? Would the government not be acting anti-people if it were to assume the form of a giant machine spewing venom and punishment in guise of tax demand-notices ?
Would it not be the urgent duty of a progressive people’s government to enact new laws to replace antiquated ones and increase the #GrossHappinessQuotient of its people? Would it not be necessary to remove the ‘power of discretion’ currently available to government officials and judges as a result of which the vicious monsters of corruption emerge like dragons on warpath with societal mores ?
Must not all Law be straight jacketed so that loopholes are plugged and such gateways to criminality of society crumble automatically?
Would it not be the right start to march towards the not so utopian dream of touching the $5-trillion economy target ?
And, if these tiny little measures are not taken at once,the Machiavelli syndrome will only grow in dimensions and result in an ugly evolution on the streets much like lesser societies and smaller lands have witnessed in contemporary history.
May the flatterers fall asleep and their evil masters be awakened from the deep slumber of treason and ennui.
In national interest.
Jai Hind 🇮🇳
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