It takes a world citizen to breathe in the air of the modern world’s oldest democratic society to measure the density of freedom ingrained in the psyche of it’s land…and to compare it with that prevailing in the largest democratic nation, located almost seven seas away!
What is the magic of the American Constitution which has let people from across the globe to converge, flock, unite and be the prized lot of the planet Earth?
What, on the other hand is the wizardry of the Indian Nation that survives challenge upon challenge to it’s existence as a multifarious, multi-layered, segmented society despite the umpteen number of amendments the constitution of the country has undergone in just six-plus decades of being adopted?
Such were the thoughts which haunt one on this visit to Uncle Sam’s: against the backdrop of the forthcoming general elections in India and the announcement of resignation of the American Ambassador to India , one cannot but help ruminate over the commonalities of these two far-flung but closely-knit lands.
India has been the cradle of ancient civilisation on Earth. Americans proudly assert their superiority over the rest of the world in terms of technological excellence, diplomatic prowess and strength in all-important fields of aviation,space, nuclear sciences. Rest of the manufacturing and tertiary sectors are shared by rest of the members of the United Nations Organisation.
Yet, it is not the economic control it holds over the post World War -2 globe which calls for a salute to American dominance on spheres of democracy, systems or policies . It has more to do with the composition of the ‘Spirit of Freedom’!
Mahatma Gandhi was unanimously accepted as the father of the Indian Nation : myth or fact, the truth lies in his spear heading a mass movement across nearly a thousand Princely States – all fiefdoms and quite a few enslaved by mercenaries ostensibly come to do trade with the ‘ land of spices,plenty and wealth unlimited!’.
George Washington is still revered and every successor PoTUS has acknowledged the greatness of the great American Spirit of freedom. Abraham Lincoln has left as indelible a mark as has Thomas Jefferson or perhaps even John Kennedy and Bill Clinton.
What is the basic difference in people of India and those of America?
Attitudinal differences, perceptions and cultural divide are responsible for the almost mirror image reflection of the same idea of democracy in these two distantly situated lands.
A case in point is that of the NaMo in or NaMo out-dilemma being debated with much ado by Indian media and blogosphere. NaMo is a creation of the people of India. He isn’t the founder of a political party but a mere grassroots level activist who has got jettisoned to be announced as a prospective head of the government of India in the event BJP romps home victorious ! True, he has created an air of animosity around himself which not only cacoons him against any criticism of being inexperienced beyond governance of a certain State but also fetches him dividends as a much maligned nationalist out to hit the nail in the coffins of scamsters, corrupt and anti-national elements. All in all, a one-man army out to become the David who exterminates Goliath-like Manmohan Singh-led UPA government.
Yet, NaMo is one around whom business houses are rallying and small time citizenry who have no axe to grind if he assumes office of position, appear to swear by his name. What is this phenomenon? Is it akin to the spontaneous support Gandhiji’s call for Satyagraha movement generated across the sub continent? Are people in so great an anguish to cry aloud for a change under baton of even one who has a cloud of aspersions cast around him? Such are the questions which spring forth ,witnessing the almost mad frenzy in the air across India!
NaMo is a man denied visa by USA in the past. What if in the wake of a dream victory, he dons the mantle of Head of the Government? Will he be willing to apply and travel westwards, to the UK and then, the USA ? Would his pack of followers prevent him from accepting a red carpet welcome abroad or will he be allowed to embrace the gesture of bonhomie commenced by Nancy Powell‘s meeting with him? The answer of hard loners would be an emphatic -‘ no!’. But, only a pragmatic Prime Minister would say -‘ yes, I will!’.
Statesmanship is not every leader’s cup of tea.
Humanists alone can out beat dictatorships and rogue regimes. If the signature tune of every party contesting the general elections of India is ‘freedom from corruption’, should not those minds which are enslaved to the congenital disease of corruption ,in it’s myriad forms be put away, in cold storage, so to speak?
America’s spirit of ‘free minds‘ is the most visible feature of it’s supremacy. No lazy bone can climb the ladder of success and no hard work goes unrewarded under a fair and transparent system. Lobbying is an official business-line. All are welcome to join the fray . At the same time, nobody who is not a natural citizen can eye the top post of becoming the head of government.
India is an ancient cradle of civilisation and tolerates every form of faith and religion. Yet, the vagaries of history of it’s invasion by hordes of foreigners ,in recent centuries has created a strange cauldron of casteism-sectarian based segregation of the ‘Vasudaiwa Kutumbikam’ (All world is one place)- philosophy. Freedom assumes a different meaning nowadays- to be rid of economic woes by resorting to nefarious means of accumulating wealth or to stay off evil ones who befriend you for sake of wealth and not any other factor of humanity.
Spirit of freedom is not reflected in erecting tall statues of men and women,dead or alive . Nor does it get carried forth by welcome hoardings with images of a few dictatorial leaders!
Freedom is more a state of well being , fearless and freed from wants of needs and necessities of life . It is not just about pot bellied netas grinning away like a tomcat with traces of milk on it’s whiskers but more like the eagle that soars the wide open skies but descends to the ground at will.
Unless the concept of ‘Freedom‘ is not driven home into the minds of fellow countrymen in India, sycophancy, slavery and exploitation shall but continue. More than man-made, society-imposed ostracism, the chains of slavery are often self-imagined, self-imposed restrictive thoughts that inhibit a free growth of the minds set upon aping peers and filmy voice overs!
It is of topical interest to all Indians to understand the reasons for an apparent failure of the cause for which all great freedom fighters had sacrificed their lives,wealth and sleep. The spirit of freedom has come to be hidden by autocratic ministers aided by Demi-god like bureaucrats and abetted in the whole sinister conspiracy by lazy, cunning sycophants.
The scarecrow became the master of the farm whilst the farmer turned into a pebble. Fundamental rights came to be mouthed but accountability, responsibility and good conscience began to assume hazy forms – in minds of the gullible,toiling general public. People soon began to accept nepotism and tyranny as a normal way of all governance forms. Fractured majority and coalition of splinter groups of political outfits began to ruin the fabric of democracy.
An otherwise religious land soon attained the shape of a hotch-potch country with pol pot-like demonesses reigning in different parts. Short sighted columnists began to attribute the degeneration of values to westernisation. A white lie!
America has an air of life and those inhaling the breath of freedom come alive – to lead and to live a lifetime of humans. India has got polluted with false airs of superiority fanned by those afflicted by inferiority-complex . The whole atmosphere must change, at once.
NaMo is a ray of hope for all those seeking to exhale the murky air of despair,despondency and dependence on remote-control governors of the government elected by people of India.
It takes a lot to set free , be freed and bask in the spirit if freedom.
Congress of America respects the US Constitution. The congress party of India has shown scant regard for the constitution of India as it appears from several Himalayan blunders witnessed by the country’s history. The AAP party is an aberration of the sins of the oldest political party in our country. Communists are like sleeping old men being nursed by retired baby sitters. BJP symbolises the lotus which springs from amidst a murky pool. Parochial parties are skinheads and dark spots of the Nation which urgently needs the spirit of freedom under one flag and a national anthem to be revived. For the good so we,the people – each and every one of us citizens of India!
Walking in free air of USA brings about a nostalgic feeling of freedom enjoyed by happy Indians who were governed by sagacious rulers of erstwhile kingdoms ,down the ages : not a care about food, clothing,shelter – for, all these basic wants of human existence were taken care of by the King ! In turn, everybody rallied around the Ruler in times of strife or war to battle foes nod attacks by invaders.
NaMo is a key to walk back into that age of humanity. Take the walk. Let the NaMo government walk the talk . All India needs a respite from asphyxiation and claustrophobic style of governance . No longer must the world’s largest democracy have a puppet -Prime minister or a remote ,foreign-born governess tending to the wounds of the Nation.
Let us all breathe the air of freedom back home in India … Vote right … Save India … Restore the Spirit of Freedom!
Jai hind!!
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Indian Political Parties should admit people as their member who are Indian in all respect .
Any political party which entertains,encourages or anted anti Indian activities or slogans must be debarred from contesting. Jai hind!
A very Authentic blog by PV i endorsed .
Indian still trying to find his space in the world just because our thinking are still like KABILA-SANSKRITI.self first >>Nation last.
Goodness will prevail,eventually. Save bharateeya samskruti.
Very good post.
Jai Hind .
Glad YUGVANI inspires me to submit these thoughts.
Excellent Post….
Thank you. Time to help open shut eyes of people’s minds.
Glad you like it . Right thinking folk must unite to save society from the sudden collapse that has begun a decade ago.
Excellent.I fully appreciate and fully endorse your view.
Many thanks Learned Brother. Jai Hind!