I’m Sorry Bapu!
By- Pamarty Venkataramana
Sorry Bapu!
You are the ‘Father of Nation’.
You were moved at the plight of Indian community during the plague in South Africa.
And, you were moved at being shoved out of the first class compartment by a racist ticket inspector driving you to return to the Motherland and launch a mass movement against tyranny of the Gora colonialists.
You spearheaded the non-cooperation movement and patronised Satyagraha as a just tool to arrive at Freedom from foreign yoke.
You got elevated to the high pedestal of a Mahatma when you affirmed the partition of the Great Bharatvarsh into three distinct pieces so as to ensure Peaceful co-existence with fanatical bigots breathing over India in its backyard from both shoulders.
You then got killed by one who was reportedly hurt beyond comprehension at your rank failure to espouse the cause of Dharma.
Your smiling image has been beatified by the currency notes printed in our freed country ever since!
I’m sorry Bapu!
Ever since that fateful black day of India when a Gandhi was assassinated by a Godse, political outfits of every hue and shade began to turn your happy spinning wheel and your beaming face into a mascot of sorts:
each time a terrorist assaults our peace-loving society, at least a billion souls let out a sigh of disbelief that you, our beloved Father of Nation was the coroner who let the butchers of Jalianwala Bagh bury the glorious past of an united Bharatvarsh by permitting and seconding the evil fight for division of the Motherland.
History is a hardcore whistleblower.
It has witnessed the manner in which you were locked up in a Durban room by a group of fanatic Muslims and beaten up because you had sought to oppose their harassment of Gujarati Hindus during that plague : and, how ever since that gloomy experience, you have never ever uttered a word against tyranny of Muslim fundamentalists.
Your acting as a ‘cheerleader’ of loser Jawaharlal further diminished your aura.
In the post-internet era, skeletons have been tumbling out of cupboards embraced by dirty cobwebs – be it about Naharwala turning into Nehru or pseudo Gandhi clan usurping power over a trusting population of believers of Karma.
Support, assist and cooperate in all devious enterprises of foreigners who infiltrate desi society and continue to deprive us of our ‘independence’, you would say?
No, I’m sorry Babu!
The Light has gone out. No more darkness though. We have begun to be awakened and we change our position towards the false narratives thrust over at least five generations of Free India.
We see through.
Be it the Chinese moles, the Pakistani mules, the Firangi spies, the bipolar serfs who slave in Gulf and return here to pretend they are the Sheiks who numbed their minds off overseas, and be it the ones who seek Satanic rights over Law and Order to protest, revel or decry over anything traditionally Hindu ;
And, be it the bursting of crackers during Diwali or playing with colours on Holi day or wearing a Mangalsutra and Toe-rings to typify happily married womenfolk.
May your soul rest in peace.
I’m sorry Bapu!
Cleanse Bollywood of drug-couch-terror skunks.
Bring in an uniform civil code : Unify societal mores.
Begin to let citizens from the rest of India to populate Kashmir valley. Let abrogation of article-370 turn meaningful.
Retake PoK and RoP !
Bring in a 50% Reservation of seats for Women in Parliament.
Ban leakage of national progress achieved in key areas of Space research, Defence and Technology via propaganda channels of mass media.
Create more employment opportunities : turn caste based reservation system into a redundant and obsolete one.
Engineer a reverse brain-drain.
Let ‘vocal for local’ ensure an immediate ban on the export of edible fruits and fresh vegetables : our citizens must consume healthy natural food.
Evolve novel ways and means to extinguish our external debt.
Abolish regional parties and communist parties : We are an avowed people’s democracy.
I’m sorry Bapu.
‘India, that is Bharat’ ought to separate the ‘investigation’ function of Police and not continue to integrate it with ‘law & order’: only then can the totally collapsed criminal justice system of the country be redesigned. Human security is as vital as honouring the Constitution of India.
A #NewIndia alone can allow your soul to rest in peace.
I am sorry Bapu !
Satyamewa Jayate!!
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