Society of Minds
I have met more unsocial elements on social media than in court-halls. Mostly anonymous, these self-bearing handles have a way of manhandling, marauding and mauling one’s self-esteem, self-respect and even the identity of the self. So dastardly can a few who act in hordes as a swarm of bees be that the traumatic effects can seldom be erased without any other therapeutic means as a tranquilizer-like session of music or walking among the tall trees of the pines alongside the beach or by the high walls of the zoo housing all those caged,wild animals..
Caged. Being caged. Caging.
These are the catchwords of mindsets we envoy get by and large in that no-man’s zone of virtual universe. Each unto himself. A very unique composition. The site prompts you whom to follow and which topic trends too. Then, there are all those self-conceited ones who assume you are a beast out to ensnare them with your innocuous banter. A few rise up from novices from nowhere to becoming the big bullies of the nether-world like virtual media sites. They even dare to intimidate you about your thoughts and philosophy or standing at the Bar. Oh, the atrocious creatures! Shameless to the core. Little bitter for niceties and manners.
But, not all is bitter about this unknown world where few are smitten by the bug of love, be it for a political character they never in their lives met or a celluloid character who would never condescend to let them into their lawn either.
However, rarely does one come across a Good Samaritan via a handle which has a motley bunch of followers . Like-minded persons soon turn into real, live, lively, alive human-beings who exchange co-ordinates, and meet up to turn into synergy of society. These are productive souls.
Rest are as ones consigned to hall of fame, as a portrait or the garlanded photograph.
Woebegone ones even dabble in rumor-mongering, back-biting and such utter mischievous pursuits.
There was a time when a mere criticism of a certain government policy would entail blocking or suspension of the account itself. That was the end. A dead-end.
But, nowadays, in an age when FoE is more about the inherent legal right of the freedom of expression to utilize technology for propagating one’s ideas, thoughts, notions, philosophy and mundane other matters, rather than collective tool for bargaining to talk the other side out of negativity, unionism and gangster-like concerted attacks by a select group of handles, either in private DM window or out in the open, has become a sinister aspect of public engagement.
Diplomats. Politicians & their side-kicks. Moderators. Critics. Theorists. Students. Idlers. Publicists. Even the bots. You have them all..
Possessed. Obsessed. Obfuscated.
Not a single user who is addicted to this ability to play God or Government can stay away for long. Even others busier and disgusted with ill-treatment meted out by some vagabonds singe and hurt within but are compelled to return to the screen for the highs of letting off steam. And, a vain hope. To perhaps, someday, find a soul-mate or the twin flame or the proverbial Demi-God . .
So, what does one do? Fret and fume? Laugh it off shamelessly dusting insults and scars inflicted by interacting with avoidable characters ? Or, be determined enough to arise, as the Phoenix ,every which time, is put down or shooed off?
Social media has become a provider of news, views and inane topics ranging from latest exploits of some yesteryear starlet to last night’s diet of a monk who forts attention of the bytes and flashbulbs as a movie star!
All this is well. Accepted. Unavoidable.
But, how does one bell the cats of mischief or the stray canines of nuisance from hounding your sanity, well-being and composure, day in and day out?
Often times, one just presses at the ‘block’ button. On other occasions, you just condemn the unbecoming acts and mute the nonsensical ones. However, to be among the wolves and still not become a scapegoat of politics is as difficult a skill as tightrope walking.
In thirty odd months of one’s existence in this uncertain, unknown, most fickle arena of Matadors, Bulls and gamblers who bet large on fictitious fights, to break the Gordian’s knot is the best solution, it appears!
Keep off negativity. Do not gloat in figures and numbers of following or followers . Identify the best ,most compatible mindsets on a scale of one is to ten. Preserve, nurture, cultivate this circle as your daily dose of positivity. Re-energize .
This, Dear Friends, is what can be churned out of a writers’-block ‘state of mind’.
Because, it is a pain, simple truth that those who cannot spend time writing a novel, essay or letter of endearment to a dear one, can but afford to tweet, list, retweet and deliberate at length, long, long hours, breathlessly, over subjects that they do not have the remotest way of controlling or influencing. As a game of squash, you keep hitting against the wall.
Eye-opener tweets unlock minds. Others merely brainwash. Or, worse still, add to confusion, chaos and clutter.
Block the crowd. Be a light. As the lighthouse. Bring home the ships, be they wrecked ones or merchant-vessels loaded with cargo of experiences in life.
Life is a blessing. Make it real. Virtual world stifles creativity of lives. More often than not.
So, as the lone mariner, sail towards the shores.
Do not be adrift .
Out in the dark waters, of suspicion, fear, envy, cowardice and greed…
Yes. Mindlessness is taboo in the Society of minds. Amen!
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Devil’s errors sadden. But,I trust every reader would catch them right away,to read right. Good luck,all!
A Must Read …
Great article…eye opener