One as Many, One too Many
By – Pamarty Venkataramana
A globe-trotter notices the common phenomenon of most evolved societies behaving differently across different regions.
The divide is not confined to cultural ethos,dietary habits, attires, local beliefs nor is it determined by history, geography or bounties of Nature and commercial activities : it permeates beyond comprehension of religious bigots,agnostics,cynics, sceptics,nay-sayers of so-called idol-worship, sociologists, anthropologists, astrpnomers, astrolgers, scientists and even that rarest of rare breed of humans,viz,clairvoyants.
Each one is unique yet everyone of a race look alike,are similar in characteristics as also general demeanour. Every generation has sprung up its share of leaders,rebels as well as flock of sycophants. Yet,the status – quo has always been shifting over the years of recorded history. Be it neanderthal man or dinopithecus,the industrial revolution or internet age,space rocketry or era of robotic workforces which are deployed beyond assembly lines of factories,the differing patterns are palpable enough to be perceived as a discernable change in mindsets. And,mindset governs the behavioural pattern of people hailing from different groupings across different zones of the continents on the global map.
So,what are the factors acting as a root cause for variables which alone are constant as well as continuous over centuries of evolution of mankind as a civilisational force?
Is the mind a driving force or hormonal imbalances equal causative factors as chemical changes in our brain?
If various organs of a dead human body can be harvested for saving suffeting lives,why has modern science failed in preservation of human brain cells of a person so as to render him or her immortal beyond death as a passing occurence in passage of time from one’s birth on earth?
If indeed this feat were achieved,mankind succeeds in declaration of humaity as being akin to unseen divinity.
Here lies the crux and deep-rooted reality of such frequent changes in thought process of contemorary society in particular : religion held an exalted position in the spectrum of growth of human societies as conglomerates beyond congregations amd isles of men and women.
Belief systems governed the tides of change from nomadic existence to gypsies and caravan-families to homeless to those housed in shelter-homes. Homeless persons holding placards at prestigious junctions,subways and suburbs of the most advanced countries reflect one such stark reality of poor policing emanating from poor policies and weak governance systems. So-called liberals,woke bunches seeking bohemian lifestyle and courting hedonism are as much in existence alongside nudist-camps of developed nations and pen-like shelters used to herd hundreds of factory-workers in a certain Asian super-power are all like moles on the face of a fair maiden: these can be viewed as beauty-spots or as nodes and ugly distractions. Similar are theories propounded by thinkers and social commentators about why so much of diversity exists alongside people otherwise holding an uniform identity,be it under concept of one Flag,one Nation or one Constitution.
There are atleast three major religions which have been spreading tentacles worldwide in the past century and more : these are led by rigid doctrines of a Founder and a Book to light the path of their respective Believers.
And,there is the most ancient religion Hinduism besides offshoots like Buddhism,Jainism and Sikhism. Hinduism allows plurality of worship and gives free licence to worship in a particular ritualistic manner or even evolve one’s own way as suits convenience,psyche or lifestyle. Communism has its own ideology as do capitalism,socialism and people’s democracy as vividly distinct from a constitutional monarchy,a sultanate and a protectorate State.
Thus,isms can safely be surmised to be the prism of vision. Religion of a region had it’s influence initially but as the global order began to shrink,dis-orderliness crept in everywhere leading to chaos,confusion and consternation in minds of all population groups. It was a battle between gentic composition and mental make-up,generation after generation. Of late,it has become passe to emulate the very opposite of a set order. Newer terms such as patriarchy,woke thinking,slut rights began to assume more and more attraction to the seemingly untamed,misdirected and let loose bands of younger generations. It is not their fault at all if they are almost ruderless because their parents amd other elders have miserably failed to pay attention to their personal upbringing,either due to a daily rat-race for eking out a livelihood for raising the family or as they themselves have fallen prey to addictions,vices and such other activities leading them astray. In the result,left to fend for themselves,the tribe of young adventurers are a lost lot. Human race is falling prey to it’s own technological marvels even as artificial intelligence gains monentum intruding into lives,drawing rooms,bedrooms and personal spaces. A most ominous sign of decadence of society. Concept of family and holy wedlock are germane to growth and survival pf human race. This must be borne in mind while weaving every policy be it of healthcare,education or even agrarian and industrial reforms.
No longer is it seen as immoral to engage in illegal activities nor illegal to indulge in immoral acts. This tussle between morality and legality is what has led to people’s movements and conflicts in lands where rigid or primitive regulations are sought to be imposed. As a corollary to the maxim of the majority holding sway in a democratic society,minority sections of the society have begun to reign in name of equal opportunities. This anti-thesis scenario ought to be controlled by right-thinking visionaries and policy-makers of progressive nations.
Progress cannot be retarted nor halted. At the same time,traditional values which define civilisational existence of mankind as an evolved mass of humanity ought not to be thrown to the winds of change. How can the balance of power be set in a state of constant flux and by whom? Only by erudite and sagacious leaders of men. Education and literacy cannot be mistaken for erudition or sagacity. Experience,knowledge and wisdom can be gainsaid to be socially useful and productive only if tempered with adequate doses of spirituality. Here again,scientific temparament cannot be an excuse to dislodge or displace tenets of age-old philosophy ingrained in the principles of natural justice,fair play and good conscience. Rationality and outright disbelief in unbelievable mythological happenings cannot answer the eyernal conundrum of death and soul or of extra-sensory perception or telepathy. Re-birth eludes such doubting Thomases and atheists even as cloning and robotics attract their sensory glands of intrigue and research.
India as a nation carved by departing colonial imperialists through a re-designing of hundreds of kingdoms in aftermath of a mass freedom movement in the sub-continent remains a singularly glaring example of how ethical values ingrained in psyche of a religious thought can help maintain unity in diversity and amidst continuous onslaughts by enemical forces.
Hinduism believes in plurality of universal forces and leaves adherents free to follow any of the pantheon of Almighty forma and Avatars. There is no fanatical overtone nor is a particular founder or book of light made the be all and end all for leading a mundane existence by mankind. Life is a celebration and every season offers a reason to celebrate existence as a festival.
Co-existence is the catchword resulting in harmonious lives passing on baton of joy and dynasty to successive generations. Polyandry and bigamy are frowned upon with non-violence forming key to codes of conduct spelt out in a simplistic philosophy of bad karma and good karma: Dharma is the over-riding and all-encompassing philosophy governing individuals as well as the State.
This is a sharp contrast to younger isms of religion being propogated vigorously by missionaries,mercenaries as well as by theological States.
All things considered,universal education plays an important role in social-engineering. Parental upbringing is the fountainhead for raising a new breed of humans in society:not branding or co-branding. Those born with parents cannot be let out to lead lives akin to orphans or as birds do let go after chicks grow wings. This submission might poke sensitive ribs of the nay-sayers but is aimed to tickle minds and good conscience of those responsible for giving birth to the dissenters and displacers of law amd order in societal-systems.
Uniformity is a must which has been the aim and goal of every founder of a teligion or propogators of thought-process in history of world. But,uninformed protestations and remonstrations by cubs or novices seem to unnerve the leaders who govern rest of society. This is a sad trend to say the least.
One is a majority and never a minority. So, think-tanks of governments and non-governmental bodies should not indulge in self-placating or paid-job mentality but herd the vulnerable sections of society,especially youths towards well-defined,cohesive actions which lend a meaning to existence – beyond being cogs in wheels of foreign masters owning call-centres or getting enslaved to vices.
Accusing orderliness is wrong as well as perilous and self-destructive. One as many,one too many.
Ponder. See. Survive. Save. Safeguard. Be saved. This is true salvation. Not falling at feet of either psuedo-gurus or pay-masters as corporate-coolies and enslaved minds. Enlightenment is not pub-hopping nor packaged-tours of pilgrim-centers.
Being entranced to evil ways is the biggest danger confronting contemporary societies. To bring them out of that trance requires a proverbial Pied Piper,not paid rappers.
Any politician who acts as the good shepherd and keeps external enemies as well as internal brain-washing mechanisms alone is fit to be elevated to exalted status of a visionary.
Pamarty Venkataramana (PVR) is a distinguished and eminent international Jurist, Poet, Author, Speaker and Thinker based in India. His many books are published.
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Only “Waah” comes out after reading the article.
Great work Sir