None Named but all Shamed!
( Happy birthday)
By – Pamarty Venkataramana
A classic tale.
An Unknown!
– He was one who was boycott by the most powerful leaders of the globe but was seen soon prancing around a Texas stadium with the big boss of that oldest democracy six years after being elected as the head of the world’s largest democratic Nation.
Many hate him.
Even more envy him.
Few decent folks sincerely appreciate his rise to fame and heights in life. They regard him in very high esteem.
A larger number turned Cheerleaders and of course, there is always that motley group of chamchas and flatterers,encouraged by every leader afraid of losing mass-appeal.
He has displayed humility in bowing at the steps of the haloed Parliament House, exhibited taste and elan with designer suits and other clothes he wears – which is the envy of wealthiest filmstars.
He has taken many a controversial decision such as a sudden demonetisation drive and ignoring mass appeals to try his political rivals for corruption that is of astronomical proportions.
He has endeared himself to millions with reforms aimed at bridging the gap between the have not and haves.
He has been accused of succumbing to political opportunism and hobnobbing with shady businessmen.
He has been praised for his devotion to the Nation.
He is the mass leader who has announced his willingness to walk out with a fakir’s garb. And, that he was in fact, only a sanyasi, a medicant.
He has belied the hopes of his enemies – that he would be caught in some act of corruption.
He has uplifted the spirits of countless patriots who still find in him a ray of hope to snuff out terror from the mighty land that he fortuitously leads.
He is a confirmed bachelor. He is a teetotaller. He is adept at yoga as much as he is equipped with the gift of the Gab, to be counted as one of the finest orators in modern day political circles.
He defeats his opponents and critics by not reacting to their slurs and diatribes filled with indignation.
He has to help restore national pride by retaking Pakistan occupied territory of India.
He has to help forge a new Asian Alliance by working towards liberation of Balochistan, Tibet, Mongolia and Hong Kong apart from accepting a reunification of ancient bharatvarsh in contemporary era by letting Bhutan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan,Sind Punjab, Sri Lanka, Vietnam Laos, Myanmar, Male, Maldives, Indonesia, Mauritius, Nepal and Western China merge with motherland just as Sikkim had decades ago.
The Permanent seat for India at the United Nations Security Council is an urgent need.
So also is cutting off water-supplies to terroristan in our backyard would be a vital weapon to use in order to pre-empt a combined attack by China and Pakistan.
Yet, the ‘none named but all are shamed ‘ brigade of desi mass media seem to have hijacked the ‘good governance ‘ plank of this strongman of desi political scenario : they
rule as though they were him – the head of an elected Government!
India needs Narendra D Modi, now more than ever before.
The options from the virulent ranks of the opposition are non existent as well as dangerous, if laughable.
Son of late Rajiv G’s widow is a thoroughly unfit person to lead India, at this juncture.
Rest are mere Masters of self-goals.
We the people of India unanimously stand in solidarity with the Honourable Prime Minister in these testing times when Covid19 stalks us all, and China attacks us in a typical barbarian way.
Yes, let us all join Donald Trump in wishing Modiji a happy birthday and many more decades of good health.
May he be the prime witness of a #NewIndia emerging out of all that cacophony by television-anchors and senselessness displayed by weakling opposition political parties.
Be bold.
Be wiser grown.
Be more honest and deal with the Uniform Civil Code and an amended NJAC Bill before religious bigotry is abetted by greedy monsters of the fourth estate.
Sanatana Dharma demands that ‘India, that is Bharat’ must cater to the majority community of the country as much as it shows compassion and kindness towards minority sections through the Constitution of India.
A living legend.
Leave the haters.
He is the man of the decade.
NarendraModi ji. Born to be treading only in the mould of Netaji Subash Chandra Bose and Sardar Vallabhai Patel. Not wilt.
Long live India,that is Bharat!
JAI Hind!!
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