Nation Unchained, People in Chains.
By Pamarty Venkataramana
There comes a time in the affairs of men when the tide changes and few of these changes are painful but essential to let the flow of time alter lives, transform societies and enable mankind to become a more civilized race.
Republic day celebrations in our country are grand affairs of pagentry shows and pompous display but the main reason for it all is the adoption of a much celebrated Constitution of India which ‘we, the people have given unto ourselves’. However, here starts the facade of equality before law and equality of all laws. Neither are men and women equal in the absence of an uniform civil code and unending divisive rules which separate, categorise and further sub-classify citizens of one nation on lines of reservation by birth,minority communities,so on and so forth. The chasm is only growing and seemingly unending in contemporary times of oneupmanship, subterfuge and coalition political realm.
There has been do much of hullabaloo over the deportation of few Indians from Uncle Sam’s land. There were cries of protest at some being chained by foreigners. It is no new phenomenon since time and again,such deportation episodes have been happening as and when any national arrives there without valid documents to visit or stay on. Gone are the days when some folks would fly to a neighbouring country there, pay few tractor owners and step into the land of El Dorado, the promising American dream of becoming rich and lead a happy life.
This is 2025. The planet’s czars in power have started dreaming about occupying alien planets like Mars to settle earthlings. That is not illegal migration but a space odyssey. Or, so it seems.
We in India as a nation have of course embarked on the way to becoming a viswaguru. Landing successfully on the other side of moon is by no means a small feat. Nor is it a mean achievement to deploy it’s contingent of Peace keeping Force to the troubled parts on earth where larger countries fail to undertake this onerous duty.
The Constitution is a sacred document of vision. Offices created by virtue of this book have an aura of authority and power is weilded both deftly and otherwise by occupants of the position. Nevertheless, it is unfair to assume that just because tye nation has been unchained from the shackles of slavery,loot and exploitation,and merely because tye practice of celebrating Republic day on the 26th day of January has been continuing like any other annual festival,all is hunky dory with it’s people as well.
The fact of the matter is that people are in chains today.
Brain drain is a continuing epidemic. It has grown worser with students fleeing to overseas lands for prosecuting higher studies to then settle down outside the motherland. Brilliant technocrats are getting sold out to foreign powers who are buying them out with tempting offers of astronomical high sums.
Foreign investors own major outlets of digital,electronic and print media to toe the line of often anti-India agendas as well as propaganda villifying all good works which a nation in progress has been witnessing,day in and day out. There sadly appears none to tame the paid-media mules and moles : reasons are obvious. None wants to throw a pebble into the murky puddles for fear of dirt being thrown back on to their face by monsters who stalk the country.
Corruption is a term germane to seats of power and pelf. Being selfish and greedy, hoarding, black marketing, adulteration, smuggling, pilferage and turning a Nelson’s eye to the goings-on around us can be dubbed as being both illegal and without sanction of our moral fibre yet these are bandied about as plumes of a proud peacock.
Medicine, Law, Education, Health, Industrial production, Agriculture and all other major sectors of our nation only scream aloud that their DNA has been altered beyond pristine glory. No more are noble souls welcomed but the ones doling out huge quantity of currency notes or gold and silver are anointed with plum positions to man the plural-society of India,that is Bharat.
The nation is not comprised of it’s States or natural resources but by the people.we are not free. Social justice, political justice and economic justice are work in progress and remain euphemisms. Sounds anachronistic but nation is free but not the people comprising a nation.
Digital arrests, extortion-bids,
Unless and until spiritualism raises it’s blessed head, dance of evil pythons and insect-like parasitic citizens would continue unabated.
It is with a view to stem this rot that the unchained nation has to urgently break the fetters of its citizens. An uniform civil code must be ushered in without much ado. Patriotism and nationalism must be worn on the chest like a vest : merely flying the national flag top huge poles would not suffice.
2025 is a year for revival of open patriotism.
Opportunities of employment ought to increase manifold. More rupees being printed by the central bank of the country or increasing purchases of gold bullion can increase inflationary prices but cannot ensure that no citizen goes to sleep with a hungry belly or remains roofless without shelter nor does it ensure emancipation by offering good healthcare facilities free of cost and universal education. Until and unless these constitutional goals are attained, the Republic day will remain to be counted as a day of mass parade. Thieves and lunatics will bloom in their tissue of lies and continue to stalk the democratic nation : neither will the vermin of society leave this land nor would bright minds stop crossing shores for lucrative pastures.
Maha yagna may be got performed all across the country’s hinterland simultaneously this Mahashivratri for a good one hundred and eight days to watch the miraculous emergence of Vishwaguru.
Alas,all wise counsel falls on deaf ears. The Trojan Horse awaits the rise of the son of soil.
Let one and all countrymen know -‘ the soil does not constitute a nation but it is the souls who stand committed to nationhood without falling prey to enticements,inducement,
Pamarty Venkataramana (PVR) is a distinguished and eminent international Jurist, Poet, Author, Speaker and Thinker based in India. His many books are published.
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