[color-box color=green] Author looks through the looking glass and a crystal ball account is given of the end -result in exercise of the right of franchise during the general elections -2014 [/color-box]
Scene One :
The lion roared. All members of his cabinet saluted in unison and went about their task – to fulfill the first item in their election manifesto which had helped them romp home to power with a thumping majority at the just concluded general elections to form a popular government at the centre of the jungle raj .
First promise in the agenda of the new Government being -‘ to arrest all scam-tainted ministers and their coterie of sycophant abettors in criminal acts of corruption, malfeasance, mis-governance, maladministration and outright plundering of natural resources like air-waves, water, power,land and life( which naturally belonged to members of the general public in a peoples’ democracy and not to certain demonic clans alone!).
Television channels owned by the dozen by a certain mogul appeared to switch tracks and stance in the spur of a moment : they now began to portray the new emperor as God incarnate . Newscasts and flash headlines began to break the hitherto unthinkable news with all world : first to be detained was the son in law of ousted empress . He was found holed up in the original shindig in a slum spaced between a now upbeat colony which originally was land-area freely doled to refugees that had come fleeing from a divided part of the newly carved country six decades ago. It was his birth-place too. Little wonder then that he found comfort in his real surroundings in the hour of fear. The avid viewer thought it was a stark reminder of how a despot called Saddam Hussein was captured in a hole after a hot chase by the forces of liberation of a desert land. This,however, was the heart of the national capital of a mighty green land.
Next was news of a baron’s private yacht in coastal city of Diu being surrounded by Coast guard and navy ships . The tip – off was one genuine news . The empress who rose from being a bar maid to richest widow on earth was making good her escape in this surreptitious manner . But, her best laid plans were snipped by alert citizens. Along with her was a long lost blood-sister of hers who was infamously famous in their homeland for making forays into adventure tourism and money-laundering schemes . A few socialites were holed up in the cabins of the yacht fully doused in Bacchus’s mannah! All were escorted to a naval frigate and bundled away to the east coast of the country from the west coast !
Then came the news flash of one who had pooh poohed reports of enemy soldiers trespassing into desi territory and beheading soldiers being driven to the embassy of that very foreign country in the capital city. An alert traffic constable called up mobile patrol vans that waylaid the fugitive ex-minister ‘s luxury car and took him prisoner.
It never rains but pours !
Almost all those notorious for their brash ,arrogant ways of cocktail -diplomacy and unfazed mega-scams , be it of coal , gas, timber, fertilizers, chemicals, food grains, textiles, defense parts, aviation, IT & communications field , contacts, tenders or turning education and healthcare into wares were nabbed in pre-dawn swoops across the length and breadth of the country !
Assistants at petrol bunks and fuel stations began to tremble for corrupt practices began from their nimble fingers and worn out hand bags of change. A certain fuel assistant had risen ,beyond belief to set up largest conglomerate in no time that his widow and extended family became a parallel junta regime of sorts – bypassing all norms of a democracy and reigning supreme in a most unethical ,brutal fashion. Thus, grassroots level corruption was to be nipped in the bud so the itch of pick pockets does not grow up to massive proportions of becoming the labyrinth of evil machinations in highest circles of governance ! Unemployed ,educated youth possessing not less than a graduate’s degree as educational qualification were being issued appointment orders all over these important stations of societal life. Likewise, all incompetents and pot-bellied , unfit personnel in the police force were being replaced summarily. One old man who all along knew that he was just a masquerader of government was caught talking gibberish on the phone,animatedly to an overseas mistress of all ,a new-age Mata Hari . He did not resist arrest ,caught in his pyjama wear nor did he seek permission to groom himself for the photo-ops he always dressed up for over long years of flash-bulbs & limelight !
Change was evident everywhere !
This was not a one person government as the mass media and former ruling party had projected it to be all through the period of canvassing. It seemed to be carnival – time as millions of citizens- men, women, young and old dressed in colourful attire thronged the streets all over the country . Was it freedom afresh ? Or, is it the spirit of freedom set free from yoke of usurpers of power ? Such were the doubts that plagued minds of foreign correspondents animatedly conversing with their home studios across the oceans .
Fireworks at harbours and lakesides added to the glorious sight. Yet, silently but swiftly, all sinners and undeclared but proclaimed offenders of the erstwhile era of oneupnanship, unbridled corruption and reckless administration were being hauled up by the new dispensation and shifted to deep underground shafts in coal mines . All in all, a most befitting safe place for rodent-like demons who had devoured treasury of the public and the Nation!
Man of the hour , NaMo was on screen for his inaugural speech . All he could say were emotional cries of -‘ Bharatmatha ki jai !’, ‘Jai Hind!’ and ‘ meta Bharat mahaan hai !’
A sleeping giant awakened, all India rejoices with renewed hope and a zeal to lead a life of being alive, having the dignity of life ,labour and existence!
Three cheers to May,16 th of 2014 A.D.
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Scene Unchanged :
Results are declared. The united front has come back along with it’s allies to form UPA-3 .
All is in it’s place : as is where is condition. The wealthy are busily flaunting their possessions , indulging in finer ways of entertainment while the poor are visible at every traffic junction ,not only of the nation’s capital city but in even muffosil towns and villages. Middle class folk are like flies frequenting mosques, temples, churches and every quack or mendicant in hope of finding relief from poverty, acute shortage of food and other necessaries of life .
Paid media thrives as ever before. No more mention of scams or other untoward episodes in governance . Even the mass rallyists who used broomstick as a symbol of their intention to cleanse the system are inconspicuous by their absence . The mist vociferous among them, he who was slapped umpteen number of times during the campaign period is rumoured to have reached the residence of his mentor, predecessor in office ,a woman of enormous wealth and pledged his desire to become a ‘homecoming bird’ !
Foreign journalists are busily mailing reports of ‘all is well that ends well’ and the pot bellied traffic constable stands to the side of a pole and pounces on an unsuspecting bike-rider to ‘challah’ him for over-jumping signals,a la James Bond !
Crackpot analysts and wrinkled pepsologists are busy doing rounds of studios to ventilate their joy at all their predictions going aware and the wise voters electing to sail with the ‘stability of governance’ offered by Madam and her most obedient courtiers propped up-front !
Dateline? Yes, it was 16/05/2014 too!
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[color-box color=gray]
Judgment Day
Evaluate the two scenarios my fellow Indians !
Think well , vote right. Pros and cons are known well in advance of D-day !!!
Jai Hind !!! [/color-box]
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Excellent Post by the author…..Let us all hope for the best….Thank You…. 🙂
Meta Bharat mahaan!
Mera Bharat mahaan !
Dear Editor Jee, the black lettering must be in red colour,please!
It is going to be a red letter day in our nation’s history.
Thanks and regards,PVR.
Pink color is possible..I have done that
Great going! The red letter day is but bound to usher in pink health of the country’s economy.
This is called, vision, to 1st understand, aftermaths/results and plan your actions accordingly.
Wake up India, Plan Well, then Execute!
Jai hind!
This is called, vision, to 1st understand the aftermaths/results and, accordingly, plan your actions!
Wake up India, well plan and then execute!