India wins ; Media cheers!
By– Pamarty Venkataramana
Polls -2019 was an election with a difference. Primarily because these were times when technology reigned supreme and the robustness of tech tools and aids of technology came for severest public scrutiny. All thanks to the huge propaganda blitz unleashed by mass media centres. Essentially propelled by media moles who were out to defame and shame the all believing hapless general public.
And,it was not really a clash of personalities nor was it a battle of titans of moneybags or vote banks.
This has been amply proven. That India is a sovereign, socialist, secular Republic in the truest sense of the terms incorporated into the book of all. No single religious minority’s funding from overseas masters or over-lording by old scamsters who amassed wealth at cost of the billions of souls whose responsibility was cast by the Constitution could outshine the class of ‘Indianness’ !
India has won. This is a mandate for unity and integrity of the country despite the diversity and multifarious ideologies propagated across seven decades of self-rule.
We are breaking free from shackles of foreign yoke and hereafter begins an agenda to address the following critical issues:
- Get rid of flab in Government: no one who is medically unfit or ailing with any medical condition ( physical or mental ) must be inducted into any Cabinet or office of profit.
- Moral turpitude: let all governors of any department or ministry renounce personal holdings and take oath of office.
- Tighten media ownership rules: restricted entry at all levels including getting rid of foreign ownership of mass media channels ( including newspapers) and qualification test based licensing of news anchors /reporters and scribes is a sine qua non to cleanse ‘free press’ of moles.
- Restructure systems of government: a wholesome revamping to discipline unbridled bureaucracy is essential for success of any hard working Prime Minister and Union Cabinet.
- Rewrite laws: antiquated and incomplete legislation passed by previous Houses of Parliament are a major stumbling block for progress of a large unequal Nation as ours. The criminal justice system has totally collapsed. All this must be rectified immediately by enlisting support of ace retired chief justices of India (without letting any clash of ego or social background). In effect, rewrite the secondary laws within ambit of the sacred old Constitution of India.
- Technology must be a tool and not a smokescreen to welcome foreign invasion(for instance why do you let foreign devices be installed at all railway free wi-fi spots ? Isn’t the recent H – telecom incident of USA an eye-opener or, are we mere sitting ducks ? Likewise, log reports of all vital systems in our land are available to overseas agencies. So, buckle your seats of administrative powers and see through smokescreens of ‘free foreign collaboration’ bogeys.
- Ensure right man at right post at right time: let not ineligible ones be appointed at whatever level of the chain of administration – be it Minister or clerks( in the past, no agricultural minister ever visited agriculture belts nor a finance minister had any specialised grounding in writing fiscal policies or vetoing script set by contractual foreigners brought in as head of the central bank of the country ). Such aberrations will but turn good governance into a mirage and not the oasis of politics.
India has won. Let those elected now win. Long live the largest people’s democracy of modern day Earth!
Jai Hind! Vandey Mataram!! In God we too trust !!!
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