The long and short of it.
To make short shrift of a burning question.
To enable time-saving. For, time is at a premium. All are enslaved to the clock.
No more towers or gongs. All in one. Smart-phone era. No longer a lap-top nor the need for a desk-top. Life at the press of a button.
Words. Word-limits. A limited world. Past of no relevance. Future unknown. Present, an unchartered sea. No requirement of memorizing. There’s Google search-engine. And, there are memory-sticks.
Nothing is hard any more. Nor, is anything easy either. Unless, you possess the smart gadgetry that connects you to life. Lifestyle. Styling to fit. Not to suit. Suitable adjustments are necessary modifications of course.
Epics. Novels. Volumes. Texts. Manuals. Guidance notes. Essays. Articles. Thesis. Then came the blogs. No more precis-writing either.
Tweets. Just tweet a thought. To provoke. To tickle. To tease. To advise. For recreational sarcasm. Or, bitter acrimony . At even State-level issues. Or, to or not to wage a full-fledged war against a terrorist-country who repeatedly inflicts irreparable damage by infiltrating into your territorial limits.
Power of tongue no longer necessary. It’s all about one’s state of mind.
So, when your editor or publisher prescribes a word-limit to your outpourings, what do you do? Assimilate all tweets and pour them down as thoughts? Or, sequentially, write down tweet-like sentences.
To pass time, by yourself and to enable the impatient, condescending readership save time, by absorbing deep ideas as if little clouds are drifting up above the head, in the blue skies?
Or, does one stay put. Put your foot down, scribble all stormy thoughts tormenting your soul on to the blank screen creating a torrent of stimulating work. So, it triggers a further chain of thoughts. Eventually, leading to some desired action.
Positivity certainly breeds only positivity.
Sanskrit slokas are inimitable, the best of the art of condensation as well as description. But, not many could any longer communicate in this magnificent language of the Gods, so to speak..
English is the new world language since few centuries and so the Queen too will bow to this new order of a society that has undergone several leapfrog like transformations since she sat on the throne of an empire where the Sun never set. Today, she is left facing articles of erstwhile colonies and subjects reclaiming possession of the priceless Kohinoor diamond-stone and such other artifacts which were ferried across the mighty oceans and seas by her admirals and governors.
Yet, English, as a lingual Franca has itself seen unexpected additions of colloquial usages. Even the Bard of Avon seems as a dinosaur, so antiquated was perfect screenplay and dramatic narrative in this day and age..!
The long and short of it. Yes, speaking of tongues. We hear of a certain self-professed anarchist who set out from the gutters to take centre-stage of political escapades being suddenly detected with a medical condition where tongue is diagnosed as being unusually longer requiring a surgical operation. And, to think this hypocrite cried hoarse, screamed aloud, louder than a pressure-cooker alerting the degree of heat..!
Short-sightedness can result in such foolhardiness as succumbing to out-of-planet poll promises for free Electricity, Water, Wi-Fi and many other dole-outs. Now, the theater of the absurd has had a black-out.
The shortest word would do justice to express and convey the angst, anguish and agonizing pain of a billion-plus nation hit by terror-attack. Nevertheless, all and sundry seek to pour out ,repeatedly, all their individual suggestions and collective thoughts to a government besieged by betrayal of few trusted functionaries who ought to have taken the battle to the enemy-lines much before the dastardly strike on motherland.. No words express. No word limits. It’s a no man’s situation.
Now, is quite the time for greater productivity, a sense of resurgence, determination to out perform the dullard who having no other go, has stooped to assault, attack and invade the winner … Do not scream for blood.
Our government has a patriot at the helm of affairs who is ably aided by one of the finest security advisers and together, they know how to tame the wild hedgehog which is boring it’s path into fertile fields of a neighbor. Let them deal with the rogue-State. In a manner best deemed fit.
For, not every State secret would be in the public realm.
Focus on eliminating moles. Defeat these anarchist forces. Extinguish communist elements who have no place in a constitutional democracy which accords respect and legitimacy only to democratic philosophy. No place for fanaticism nor communism.
Exit anarchy. Vote them out. Counsel your neighbors. Guide the youth. Instruct your orderlies. Teach one and all. The power of the Preamble, the spirit of the Constitution.
Re-engineer the economy. Increase job opportunities so monster of caste-reservation self-immolates. All are equals. Equality before Law. Equality of Laws.
‘ Long and short ‘ has yet again assumed importance on account of the lack of time; not loss of words.
No tongue-in-cheek. Hand-in-glove.
So be it!
Other essays by Pamarty Venkataramana
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