End the Anarchy!
By Pamarty Venkataramana
The whole World is at war.With a deadly pandemic that is tracked as having originated from a city in China.
COVID-19 has become a leveller.
No longer can those that rated themselves as ‘developed’ economies and berated a vast majority of populated world as being ‘third-world’ or ‘underdeveloped economies’ bask in the political mechanism of ‘rating’ foreign institutions and central banks of other countries. All the showmanship and bravado has disappeared as a bubble does after floating about a while in the air.
Airs put up and pressures exerted through ‘diplomacy’ and ‘Treaties’ no longer hold water.
The strength of a nation is determined today by its ability to produce,supply or gift vast quantities of hydro chloroquine or permit researchers to avail of vast, affordable laboratory facilities in its private sector units in order to find an effective vaccine as the cure for Covid-19. And, to end untold miseries and sufferings of people affected stretching from China in Far East to USA in the Western Hemisphere to down under in Australia to the oil rich Saudi Arabia and other littler lands in the Gulf region.
For,neither the might of large armies possessing nuclear weapons nor wealthy Sheikhs with gold and ornate washrooms can face nor withstand the onslaught of the disease which does not discriminate a human-being except by the ‘force of habits’ or by levels of ‘personal hygiene’.
The virus is neither racist nor discriminatory in its approach.
Social distancing is the only key to check, curb and curtail this pandemic.
Having said this, the good, old tale of the Emperor’s new clothes springs to mind as we onlookers of global political turmoil gape on helplessly at the stupidity and imbecility with which dispensations around the disease-stricken planet are attempting to handle this challenge posed by Nature to Man’s arrogant attitude.
China is definitely having the last laugh.
Or so, it appears. It’s apps are boycott but not it’s exported goods. It still continues to hold sway over the United Nations Groups and the Security Council since no resolution condemning its ‘map politics’ as well as it’s ‘debt-trap politics’ or its failure to make amends for hegemonist acts has been passed till date. The USA has announced its withdrawal of funding operations to the WHO which it claims has acted as a handmaiden to China in the wake of the ‘China-virus’ unleashed against all Humanity.
More and more weaponry of phenomenal costs and gigantic magnitude of potential destruction are being sold by Big Powers of arms trade and purchased by Self designated Emerging Arms Powers.
The bug seems to have bitten every single World Leadership.
A known terrorist-hideout like that tiny Pakistan lying in the backyard of India which eminently boasts about exporting donkeys to Chinese mainland possesses Nuclear weapons of mass destruction without any questions being asked about real ownership of these said such ‘enemies of mankind’ being with either China or Saudi Arabia.
In the label of an ‘Islamic Bomb’, advanced countries in Europe along with USA and Russia are ‘unwittingly’ precipitating the strength of demented religious fanatics who are hell-bent upon terrorising every which sovereign country that does not embrace their religious bigotry. The ramifications of such a continued silence on part of the candidates for the American Presidential Election are enormous as also ominous.
Trivial things seem to keep all establishments engaged.
The monster called ‘paid-media’ is busily obsessed in it’s pre-occupation to snatch the reigns of control over society that has otherwise been vested in the Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary.
Let us turn our attention towards India.
War clouds are looming along all fronts. Both Pakistan and Bangladesh were land masses that belonged to India before the 1947 partition. Nepal had reputation of enjoying a homogeneous identity with the peace loving Hindu culture of India.So also Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Vietnam, Tibet and Balochistan.
However, post-COVID-19 attack, and the resultant prolonged lockdown periods of inactivity, only inertia and laxity appears to have gained ground in the Indian establishment.
Apart from a feeble semi-ban on China developed apps (quite a few still continue to be used by Government departments), and the mundane noises about import-substitution and ‘athmanirbharta’ or self-reliance, no tangible effort has been made save to acquire more defence capability(a necessity given the Machiavellian style of global politics in vogue where Big Powers incite India and such other non-aligned nations to taking a defiant posture against barbaric China plots to expand its territorial jurisdiction across all continents,even while they do not rescind Trade deals or attack Chinese Communist Party as a terrorist outfit in the UN GeneralAssembly)!
Where is the Government of India failing?
Definitely in its failure to strike out at all anti-social elements(of whichever hue and shade, social standing and economic power)who are busily as well as mightily engaged in the division of spirit of united Indian nation:day in and day out,they light sparks of unrest by a mischievous tweet or a dirty tricks television talk show.
And,they are outrightly accusing the Constitution of being wrong and that Judiciary is less learned or wise than their drugs-fuelled hatred towards all things disciplined.
Law and order is going for a toss.
The anti-national brigade has opened up a war on many fronts. Be it on the subject of first language,education policy,examinations, Covid management, religious practices,rasta roko, mob violence, pensions, banking system, cinematic content, role of reporters turning executioners, propped-up lawyer indulging in criminal contempt of apex court, topmost legal functionary of government openly opposing request of the Government to cite a certain tweet as being criminal contempt,and a million such atrocious actions – all of which would according to the ‘Rules-Book’ as well as when tested against a common law-abiding citizen of the country would become ‘open and shut offences’.
What is the People’s Government enjoying an astounding 303 – members absolute-majority in Parliament planning to do if and when the almost inevitable official war breaks out with China and all neighbours having become estranged?
The might and valour of all our brave hearts of the Defence and para-military services goes waste;comes to nought unless the ‘war-within’ is won by the Government of India.
Without further loss of precious time.
Impose an unsaid press-censorship.
Check and turn impotent all poisonous desi-media(of every form).There is no need to fear the ‘wailing mistresses of desi media’ that they would bawl to their phoren-handlers. Get the Enforcement Directorate, MI and NIA to book the cases against every boss and underling of the cabal. Their misdeeds are an ‘open secret’. Retake the ‘Padma’ awards conferred on these moles by predecessor sold-out babudom/neta log.
Stop leaking out vital information on matters of defence, space and VIP movements to the press. By now and at least after the resounding success of ‘Namastey Trump’ and ‘Howdy Modi’ mega-events, Nirvana must have dawned that the population of India are worried about the daily race for existence & survival : all handouts on defence capabilities, space research are only of real interest to enemy lands.
And,the chest-thumping has become so embarrassing, in recent years, for those of us in the know of ‘corridors-of-power’ that one wonders whether the foes are saving expenditures otherwise incurred on a formal ‘Spying department’!
It is in the best interests of the nation vested with implicit faith and trust of 150-billion souls that this humble appeal is made to the ‘vadapradhan’ & Team to no longer let the quislings maim our Freedom and to forthwith assert the powers bestowed under the Constitution to check the dangerous situation which has arisen out of ‘internal threat’ as much as from the perilous scenario of ‘external aggression’.
Such a timely and emboldened move alone can uproot the evil ‘Bharat thodo’ movement of a weed-like opposition-cartel in India,today.And,motivate our beloved soldiers to exterminate enemies at the border-areas.
Speeches and rhetoric cannot hold sway for ever.
Nehru blundered; Sardar Vallabhai safeguarded. Indira succumbed to Bhutto Andre ghost of Shimla pact haunted successor Prime Ministers including the most sagacious Narasimha Rao. Rajiv, Gowda, Gujral, Sekhar,
2004-2014 has been a decade of ruin for India. It is incumbent upon the great expectations reposed in him that Modiji must now rise to the need of the hour and exhibit statesmanship that since he assumed office in 2014, the fag end of 2020 shall be written in golden letters by History – PROVIDED ‘political-opportunism’ is discarded as a ‘default-policy’ and internal enemies eating away at the fabric of our harmonious plural-society are chained by invoking available ‘law of treason’ and such ‘termites’ are made to give a written undertaking to abide by Constitution of India and shall hereafter, uphold the sovereignty of India.
And, half the war against China or any other Frankenstein is won, before the inevitable aggression by the untamed ‘land of little men with pettiness written all over their greedy party manifesto’.
India is honoured to have a dedicated son of the soil and proven patriot(Prime Minister Modi ji) at the helm and NOW is the time for all those who blindly support anti-BJP forces to rethink and consider following their eminent leaders who ,one by one,are walking over from INCongress to rally behind Modi ji and Team.
Together, India wins.
Not via Bollywood or through television bow-bow exhibitionism.
Pest-control is a must.
Drive the vermin and cockroaches out of the public domain. If this is done successfully, then both India and China are automatically at peace. No foreign foe can dare eye our Bharatvarsh then!
Jai Bharatmatha!!
Long live ‘India,that is BHARAT!’
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