Destiny of Liberty
By Pamarty Venkataramana
‘Liberty is a man’s birthright. However, to give the reins of the Government to the Indian Congress at this juncture is to hand over the destiny of hungry millions in the hands of rogues, rascals and free booters. Not a bottle of water or a loaf of bread shall escape taxation. Only the air shall be free. And, blood of these hungry millions will be on the head of Mr. Attly.
…India shall be lost in political squabbles. It will take thousand years for them to enter the primary class of Philosophy and Politics..’
· from Mr. Churchill‘s speech in British Parliament in 1946.
Year, 2016 A.D.
In this, the seventieth year of independence (August 15, 1947 was the date divided nation was declared ‘ independent ‘ by the outgoing colonialist regime of the United Kingdom), let us take stock of this prophetic statement by one of the strongest, most sagacious leaders of world history.
Was he right or has it turned out to be an exaggeration? The sequence of events since August 1947 may be conveniently studied in periods spanning the ‘rule’ of successive prime ministers of the Indian nation, as under –
1. Jawaharlal Nehru August 15,1947 to May 27,1964 ).
2. Guzarilal Nanda ( May 27,1964 to June 9,1964 ).
3. Lal Bahadur Shastri (June 9,1964 to January 11,1966 ).
4. Guzarilal Nanda (January 11,1966 to January 24,1966 ).
5. Indira Gandhi (January 24,1966 to March 24,1977 ).
6. Morarji Desai (March 24,1977 to July 28,1979).
7. Charan Singh (July 28,1979 to January 14,1980).
8. Indira Gandhi (January 14,1980 to October 31,1984).
9. Rajiv Gandhi (October 31,1984 to December 2,1989).
10. V.P.Singh (December 2,1989 to November 10,1990).
11. Chandrasekhar (November 10,1990 to June 21,1991).
12. P.V.Narasimha Rao (June 21, 1991 to May 16, 1996).
13. A.B.Vajpayee (May 16, 1996 to June 1, 1996).
14. Dewe Gowda (June 1, 1996 to April 21, 1997).
15. I.K.Gujral (April 21,1997 to March 19,1998).
16. A.B.Vajpayee (March 19, 1998 to May 22,2004).
17. Manmohan Singh (May 22, 2004 to May 26, 2014).
18. Narendra Damodardas Modi (May 26, 2014 to date ).
The longest reign has been 16 years & 286 days by Nehru, the first Prime minister. Followed by Indira and then Singh. The turning point in terms of opening of the economy was of Rao. All others who held the baton in between these heads of Government hardly made any significant contribution to re engineering of the industry society although few supporters of both Rajiv of Congress party and Vajpayee of the BJP do stake claim to significant changes in the rule of these two leaders. However, what came as a watershed to monopoly run and sway of regional satraps in the last three decades has been the landslide majority victory of incumbent in office, Mr. Modi.
His term comes as one of great expectations to a nation inundated by reports of scam after scam after scam across various spheres of governance. The electorate gave him a thumping majority in great hope of bringing the evil and the corrupt to chains of Justice. More, a retributive justice than revenge was the cry of the political masses. The main opposition party, congress with a mere 44- M.P.s was n’t even eligible to hold chair of the leader of opposition.
All countrymen were with the PM who rise from humble origins, reportedly of a tea vendor to grassroots worker to a chief minister of one of the most prosperous warren states of Gujarat to be projected and coming a winner in the general elections as arguably the most worshiped Leader after the likes of Mahatma Gandhi, Rajaji and Indira.
We are beyond the two years mark of his tenure in office.
No leader accused of scams has been jailed. The mainstream media with it’s share of arrogant, power-drunk journos has been having a free-for-all. A certain chief minister of city-state of Delhi accused of large scale violations and breach of law as a corrupt head during the Commonwealth Games, etc. has a successor who too, jettisoned from unknown, unexpected quarters as a missile of embarrassment to the eager-beaver PM, Modi. Said new found neta has outgrown his shoes, has declared himself proudly to be an anarchist and renounced responsibility of any portfolio in the state cabinet so as to be globe -trotting as a wheeler-dealer of anarchy in this most important Asian giant-nation.
All very ominous ..
So,what is the validity of Mr.Winston Churchill’s impassioned plea in the House of Lords that fateful day in 1946?
Let us examine the very profound statement, verbatim.
Yes, state of affairs till the new messiah, Mr. Modi stepped into the high office only affirm the truth of a band of ‘rogues, rascals, free booters’ holding tight-fist control of destiny of millions of countrymen. In fact, we are now a billion-plus nation !
To those who frown, even the new-born, younger-generations have heard of ‘ loan-melas’, ‘yojanas ‘, ‘dynasty – men / women’ & even gross instances of a grandfather PM & his grandson PM nominating themselves for the highest award of the country, viz; the Bharat Ratna!
Tax. This is the weapon with which the toiling masses have been subjected to torturous ordeals. Agriculturists, farmers, teachers, children of soldiers, educated unemployed youth commit suicides. Crime rate has remained steady. All this dismal scenario, despite great systems of check and balance laid down in the Constitution by founding fathers!
Cause? Faulty interpretation, wrong men at right places, misinterpretation of guarantees of Justice- social, political, economic assured by the Preamble. All in all, a total abuse of power, law and seats of power. Institutions became institutionalized by certain select families of politicians. Street urchins grew up to become anointed as nominated members of parliament on account of their sectarian ‘power’, etc. criminal gangsters began to call shots. Extortion and murders by twisting the mangled provisions of natural justice, fair play, and good conscience seemed to design the way societal mores were changed dramatically. Caste patronage became a never-ending legal tool in hands of those few evil ones who lent muscle to perpetuating evil and menacing trends. Religion was the next Frankenstein created after tinkering with constitution. Apex court directions for a uniform civil code in 1984 got twisted and sidelined, obliterated by enacting a special law in parliament by then PM Rajiv, through brute force of majority of electoral process. Likewise, the national language, Hindi, began to be mauled by financiers from middle eastern lands to turn Bollywood into either footpath (tapori) or substituted by Urdu and colloquial phrases .
So much for a mischievous, deliberate sabotage of culture and values of our heritage. History itself was distorted to eulogize enemies of nation and glorify plunderers like the mogul hordes. Thus, all in all, distortion, destruction and distribution of pelf, power, loot became the ‘Lutyen’s stamp’ of governance.
In the result, unceremonious division of states, arbitrary allocation of grants, funds became the feathers in cap of bad governance. Governors of stares are to this date, reportedly, are given unaccounted cash funds. To what purpose and why? Where does it go? How are these governors appointed? Is there a set procedure or protocol? Why are huge fortunes spent to curry favor with a PM to be appointed as a Governor of a State government? Food for thought?
Water bottles are contaminated. Milk sold isn’t pure either. A kilogram of chicken or beef costs lesser than a kilogram of pulses. vegetables and fruits? Best of the produce are exported by business houses. Air? Telecom giants have taken over. No longer are these mere monsters of Don Quixote fictional tale. They are currently on a big fish eat small fish dramatic stage managed show and we, the people are scapegoats, fish feed and hapless victims.
So, even air isn’t free not cheap. Mr. Churchill was wrong here.
Yes, the blood of all the billion plus nation is on the hands of short-sighted coward of that era, Mr. Attly! The truth of course was that his Britain was rattled after defeat in hands of Hitler’s Germany and overawed by supreme sacrifice rendered by over 45,000 Indian soldiers at call of Netaji of the Indian National Army. So, they found a scarecrow propped up in the form of a confounded M.K. Gandhi and hastily retreated even whilst retaining strings of long lease rents, shares in behemoth like companies and appointing unofficially agents of the ‘white man’s burden!’ ..
India has been lost in political squabbles. It still is.
In little questions such as – ‘who is the de facto head of government under the present dispensation‘, ‘are we not Bharat, i.e; India, why are we toeing line of patently anti-national mainstream media commentators, analysts, television anchors and self appointed critics or ambassadors of India?’ .
‘Why can we not pilot a Bill in parliament to discuss the need of a uniform civil code?’
‘Why are they enacting bill for multi-fold pay hikes to members of August Houses? ‘Why not reintroduce an amended NJAC Bill instead of allowing public resentment build up against the Judiciary, even as anarchy pundits are rubbing their hands in glee.. ?’
And, the list of posers is endless…
So, what do we do now ?
Prove that the baton of power has gone from the hands of the ‘ rogues, rascals and free booters ‘ to the truest representative of patriotism, dedication, pragmatism, hard work, industriousness, far-sight and architect of a happy destiny gif the present and successive generations of fellow human beings.
Finish off taxation in it’s multifarious complications as regime to suppress the electorate. Allow bread-earners to breathe free. Introduce a transaction-tax. Watch the new surge of faith which would become visible as all sections and classes if people become upbeat about gaming elected a ‘people’s PM’ . His Government’s next term in office would be secured by this singular mark of gratitude and respect towards the nation, for having showered him with so much adulation as well as blind faith!
Poor man exists on dole outs and freebies. A day to day existence. Wealthy and neo-rich, in particular thrive on power of wads of currency notes and black money. Parallel markets cater to their Zen for business avenues. Law and order goes for a toss. But, which segment of the society spins as a top? The middle-classes who can neither make huge monies or savings nor beg, borrow, steal to augment their living standards. So, they fall easy prey to succour from all the galaxy of bearded and cloaked messengers and dispensers of religion, whether by a book of their ancestors or through innovated versions as tarot card reading, horoscope study, and so on…
Destiny of Liberty?
Yes, Mr. Modi . Please do disprove the oracle of that cigar-chewing rolly-poly statesman of Great Britain .. Obamas, Clintons, Trumps, Putins, Mays may come and bow out of their respective countries’ offices but it is high time for us to have our blue-blooded ‘Desi’ head of the central bank to start with. Repair collateral damage done to fiscal, banking and other systems of our nation. End the farcical ‘ satrap ‘equations with these that peddle interest of the constituents and the country.
Weed out rotten elements. Harness youth power. Reign in well-meaning elders of vast experience prepared to link in to your dedicated new website and offer solutions to public grievances, free of cost. Subsidies given up by the ordinary whereas extraordinary parliamentarian community enacts a pay hike law. Is this just or equitable?
Let bygones be bygones. Change the script. We have enough, enormous national wealth to outweigh the bemoaning cries of black money lost to foreign shores. Welcome the hand few who have toiled more than any politician or bureaucrat, pro bono, for national welfare since turning of the economy by visionary, able PM, Rao . Erase the misinformation spread about who was real architect of our economy. By changing the way government transacts business on issues of internal security, sedition, food, agriculture, wealth distribution, tax exemption, revamping ‘dead’ assets of bank aided entities, reviving ‘non-productive entities’ through a uniquely designed ‘ owners co-ownership management services’ . Details? Will be furnished only at a private audience, good sire, for even Niti Ayog mandarins cannot act to revitalize the nation’s economy, without a green signal from the Honourable Prime minister.
Of course, one who chooses to dismiss these humble observations of the unknown Indian patriot would but find history relegating the promising ones to dustbin of time’s endless space. But, we are here with a joint brief: to turn the tides of history and reshape the destiny of a billion-plus countrymen!
The yen for loot began with Lutyen’s contracts being awarded. The buck must stop, Now.
Our philosophy is intact. Politics needs a newer meaning, substance, style. No more loot, nepotism, quisling-driven society, please…
We await ‘Achey-din’ for every Indian, irrespective of background and affiliation of thought . . . Jai hind!
Vandey Mataram
- Dip in Ganga for Identity -Engineering - February 14, 2025
- Nation Unchained, People in Chains - February 10, 2025
- He Pushed Me! - December 23, 2024
Well thoughtout, well analysed article from a commoner’s point of view.
I can’t agree more than what you have elucidated, Sir.
Waiting for real greater days for our nation. Jai Hind!
Vantey Mataram!!
Chinmaya Dasa.
Well thoughtout, well analysed article from a commoner’s point of view.
I can’t agree more than what you have elucudated, Sir.
Hing for real greater days for our nation. Jai Hind!
Vantey Mataram!!
Chinmaya Dasa.
Hitting where it needs..But anyone listening?
Satyameva Jayatey!
Mera bharat mahaan!!
Good conscience heeds!!!
Oh My God….Sure India needs someone to guide her to great future
In God we trust. As ever before the marauders of ancient Indian civilization,culture,values invaded ..
Making Demi-Gods out of mortals has been the undoing of voters across the seven decades of independence.
Bharatmata ki Jai!
Though little lengthy but it was so masterly written that I read it all…A post right from heart touching the core issues…Keep it up Mr PVR
Thank you SudhanshuJi. Agony cannot be curtailed beyond a prayer. History has it’s metes & bounds. Remedial measures in the best interests of our great nation are an urgent necessity. Vandey Mataram !
It is one of the finest article written by you Sir…Rightly examined the issues India is facing.
Thank you Pradeepji. Penned with anguish and a fervent hope that India under ModiJi will be able to break free of the shackles of nepotism,corruption,sycophancy that blinded,derailed great plans envisioned by founding fathers of the constitution of India.
Jai hind!