Category: From Editor’s pen

Injustice through RTE

Some experts working in the field of education even go on to say that RTE is actually a planned conspiracy against low and middle income people. People like RC Jain, who have been associated with the education industry since years and who have been vociferously fighting against the policies of the Government go to the extent of saying that “Paramatma will never forgive Congress for the injustice it has committed towards children through bringing RTE.”


Jr. Abdullah Saheb ! Kashmiri Pandit issue is not election issue but National shame

Though issues like Kashmiri Pandits, Terrorism, Naxal violence, Dalit & Tribes upliftment, Women Safty & their upliftment, National integration, Religious conflicts & their cause and other such issues should be National Issues. No political party worth its name should use such issues like stone to hit each other for their petty interest. All political Parties should sit together & find workable solution, cutting all political line. But Last Monday


Shameless Politicians Do not stoop so low

Be Friend
A retired employee. Keen watcher of social life. Likes to read book & interact with people. Very spiritual but not religious.
Be Friend

From Editor’s Desk हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें No one can deny that last few days were blackest days in Indian democracy & politics. No one can imagine the level up to which Indian Politics & Politicians can stoop low. Theoretically the ultimate aim of politics & politicians is to ‘get power’ […]
