Category: From Editor’s pen

गन्दी राजनीति

Be Friend
A retired employee. Keen watcher of social life. Likes to read book & interact with people. Very spiritual but not religious.
Be Friend

गन्दी राजनीति कल एक केंद्रीय महिला मंत्री ने रामज़ादे और हरामज़ादे शब्द का प्रोयोग करके मधु मक्खी का छत्ता छेड़ दिया है. इसमें कोई दो राय नहीं होसकती की इस तरह के शब्द, किसी के लिए ख़ास कर प्रितिपक्ष के लिए, प्रयोग करना आधुनिक समाज में वर्जित होना चाहिए. दुःख इस बात का है की […]


35 years gone waste

Keep observer of events, Blogger, Multi-Media Expert, Businessman
Siddharth Srivastava
Latest posts by Siddharth Srivastava (see all)

It is not my biography. It is a story of the pain & anguish my generation faced as last 35 years gone waste. I was born on 7th October, 1982. My elder brother & sister were born in 1976 & 1979 respectively. Like all other, we, all brother & sister including cousins, spent out childhood in play […]


BJP in the eyes of Secular History

Last night I had a dream. In the dream, I found myself in a conclave, being addressed by top secular & liberal historians. The main topic was “BJP in the eyes of Secular History” Though I am a not good history student but I am keenly interested in the history. BJP is a hot topic currently, so I started listening attentively.


Older Generation needs Social Security

Older Generation needs Social Security; I don’t mean that our offspring don’t want to keep us with them. It also does not mean that they don’t want to afford our day to day living & medical cost, nor it means that they don’t want to sit with their parents/grandparents. It simply means, changing scenario would not allow them to do all this as the please. The are always willing to do service to oldies but question is can they do it?
