Boundaries of Freedom
India today stands upon an eminence of centuries of progress, evolution, good governance and development . Before the hordes of Moghuls and the Europeans invaded to plunder,loot and play mayhem. Then came six decades of dynastic reign, in guise of transition from slavery to democracy.
NAMo has arrived.
‘Development of Nation’ is the single-point programme on the agenda of Prime Minister,Narendra Damodarbhai ModiJee, a leader of the mass of voters which includes class of intellectuals, working folk and housewives as well as youth for whom the current generation toils.
NAMo has inherited a legacy of perilous proportions to lesser ,ordinary leaders of common men but the Prime Minister is also one who subscribes firmly to the belief that he has inherited a legacy of triumphs of Freedom and Law!
But the danger that arises from an ignorance in the voter cannot be ignored.
We,the people must lend our whole-hearted support in letting NAMo lead the march onward but here,let us pause for a moment to strengthen our faith and renew our commonly placed hope in NAMo by a glance at the pathway along which our nation has travelled .
In all the years of having begun life anew as a Free Nation and a Sovereign Republic with a common written Constitution, it has been amended several times to suit the rulers of the times.
What then is the most crucial amendment required to enable good governance and inculcation if the Spirit of One Nation in the still largely illiterate/semi-literate 1.25 billion population of Indians?
Republic of India is still beset with danger of every kind . But, the demons of ‘religion’ and ‘personal book’ raise their heads day in and day out, interfering with policy-formulation as well as rule-implementation by the various organs of Government . So, a common civil code is a must.
This was recognised by the Honourable Supreme Court of India way back in the year 1984 in the famous Shah Bano case. Sidelined by a timid regime out to usurp wisdom of Judiciary to pander to vote bank considerations. Which has in effect proved to be counter-productive to interests of law & order in the plural society .
The Nation has not conquered a place in the family of religions inhabiting the Republic. Continued conflicts of social mores and practices of conflicting ideologies in name of a religion are set to destabilise all progress made on other fronts of daily life. The decisive battle fought for war of independence was not yet over . Until ,the general elections of 2014!
Here then is a magnificent opportunity for all Indians to break through the dense clouds of confusion, chaos and anarchy-like environment generated by plural civil laws and bring in an uniformity by way of a defined Code of civil laws applicable in equal measure to all citizens, regardless of personal faith and irrespective of religion of ancestors of those alive and leading life as citizens of India!
Let us draw a lesson from history when the colonialists were struggling against armies of a great nation and against the settled opinions of mankind: because the world did not then believe that the supreme authority of government could be safely entrusted to the guardianship of people themselves. Today, NAMo has been so entrusted with the task of good governance by the people of India. With an absolute majority . A overwhelming support in the Lok Sabha is a mighty force.
There are those who advance the lame-duck excuse of opposition majority in the Rajya Sabha. To a wise ruler, it is neither difficult to win over honest men sitting on the other side of the fence nor tough to bring to book scam-tainted ones anointed by erstwhile government. In no time, even the Upper House shall be siding with NAMo, the harbinger of prosperity to common folk and industrious people of a strong nation.
The fervent love of Liberty cannot be overestimated . But, the maniacal zealots of parochial and religion-based frenzy are causing real hurdles to an orderly establishment of the rule of law. The sum of common sense with which our forefathers made the constitution with the great experiment of self-governance with few transitory provisions is being disregarded by lesser minds.
NAMo as the Prime Minister, today, has ample authority for the accomplishment of the great objective of development for all Indians and is endowed with the numbers needed for self-preservation of a government facing stiff opposition from quarters outside the Government.
The Boundaries of freedom have been enlarged over the years but at what cost this ‘ freedom’ is the moot-question springing before us, today!
The foundations of order and peace can only be strengthened by a change in the Law . A law is a legitimate tool in hands of every Government, of every form and composition, to usher in changes aimed at uniformity, universality and orderliness.
The growth of our people in all walks of life and in all the better elements of national life alone will indicate the wisdom of our forefathers as well as the voters of 2014 general elections in choosing NAMO as a one-man force to bring in requisite changes in the Indian society .
Emergence of NAMo government has given a new hope to even people of neighboring lands and in distant, far off countries. Of a Nation whose hard working human force will supply qualitative goods and services in comparison to ‘China-maal’ or other mass production managers of society.
Even as our founding fathers have secured our people safe from danger against without and secured for their armed forces and flag equality of rights on all the seas, the internal security issue was left open to wisdom of future generations.
Pakistan was carved on both borders of Indian Nation to let those who believed only in Islamic society to go live in peace. India was to remain the true bastion of Hinduism which allows for co-existence of all humanity with a firm belief in Dharma, karma and rule of law evolved from moral ethical principles, tested across centuries of civilisation.
The manifold blessings of self-government have corrupted the sections that have newly acquired wealth from Gulf-jobs and a perverse interpretation of the word’ secular’ inserted into the Preamble of the Constitution has led to the anomalous situation of the majority being held to ransom by a minority that is swelling in numbers and vote-bank, on strength of scriptural indoctrination to procreate in name of an unseen Almighty – contrary to strict family law enforcement provisions applied to other citizens in the land.
Both the jurisdiction of the constitution and the size of the population covered by it are quite different to what the founding fathers envisaged in the constituent Assembly .
India is passing through a telling phase. Not more a defining moment for religion or government. But more a tell-tale story of the need of the hour.
The need of the hour is indeed to define (and re-define) the ‘boundaries of freedom!’.
The intelligent courage of NAMo and common sense exhibited by voters of the nation should be utilised by opinion-makers to help reshape and redefine the boundaries of freedom. Under the tremendous pressure of war-mongers who espouse anarchy and propound a civil war against popularly elected governments of the people in a democracy, it augurs well for we, the people to stand up shoulder to shoulder with NAMo . In so doing.
We ourselves are witnesses that the Nation has emerged from scam-tainted era of coalition governments to a popular, overwhelmingly elected NAMo government: from the blood and fire of that conflict purified, we stand stronger for all the beneficent purposes of good government!
At the close of era of doubt and struggle against evils rampant in our own society, with the inspirations of our history in the heart, the voters have reviewed the conditions prevailing in the society; passed judgment upon the conduct and opinions of political parties. And, have registered their will concerning the future administration of Government.
To interpret and execute that will in accordance with the constitution is the paramount duty of the Executive..
Even in the brief period of its tenure, NAMo government has manifested that the nation is resolutely facing to the front, resolved to employ its best energies in developing the great possibilities of the future.
An unenviable task:
Sacredly preserving whatever has been gained to freedom and good government during the last century of struggle, NAMo is determined to leave behind all those controversies concerning things which have been irretrievably settled, and the further discussion of which can only stir up strife and delay the onward march.
The supremacy of the Nation and its Laws should no longer be a subject of debate. This discussion, which has for six plus decades threatened the very existence of the Republic should now be ended by a decisive Common Civil Code, uniformly applicable to all the citizens of India . The Nation should be supreme to any personal belief or economic status and faith of the people.
The common civil code shall not disturb the supremacy of constitutional directive in the Preamble for justice-social, economic and political, to all citizens nor disturb their necessary rights of personal freedom but it does fix and establish the permanent supremacy of the Nation.
A happy result would be an uniform set of societal mores ushering in good governance. By doing this, cases of one-upmanship, brigandry in name of religious dictates and perpetuating disharmony shall come to an end. Sooner than later.
To bring about the much-needed great change will cause serious disturbance to suffering, laid-back masses that have been bearing the brunt of wicked play by those others engaged in polygamy and other unsocial, primitive acts in an economy suffering for instance, from an under-supply of natural resources.
The provocation from opposition must be deplored. Though it may be unavoidable. Every change carries with it stiff resistance. There can be no permanently maligned majority-class, like any oppressed peasantry, in our Republic.
It is said that unsettled questions have no pity for the repose of nations.
No thoughtful person can fail to appreciate the beneficent effect of an uniform civil code upon our institutions and people. It shall free us from a perpetual danger of war and dissolution. In the name and guise of personal religion’.
It will add immensely to the moral and industrial forces of our people. As a Nation, It will help liberate the Government and the people from a crass system of unequal treatment, from a relation that wronged and enfeebled both. The influence of this force of Common civil Code will grow greater and bear richer fruit for all with the coming years.
An emancipated India shall make remarkable progress.
Voters of India can make and remake constitutions. Upon their wills hang the destinies of Governments. They can transmit their supreme authority to no successors save the coming generation of voters, who are the sole heirs of sovereign power. If that generation comes to its inheritance blinded by ignorance and corrupted by vice, the fall of the Republic will be certain and remediless.
The census has already sounded the alarm in the sapling figures which mark how dangerously high the tide of illiteracy has risen among our voters and their children.
It is the sacred duty and high privilege of those now living to educate their successors and fit them, by intelligence and virtue, for the inheritance which awaits them.
The constitution guarantees absolute religious freedom. But, those who preach in name of a Book of religion not only offend the moral sense of manhood by sanctioning polygamy, but prevent the administration of justice through ordinary law.
NAMo has assumed the great trust which the greatest numbers of voters have committed to his hands. As one aware of the fervent zeal to uphold dharma of the head of a nation, I for one appeal to you for thoughtful and earnest support, which makes this government, in fact, as it is in law, a government of the people.
NAMo is right.
In staying silent.
In face of gravest provocation in the Houses of Parliament. He greatly relies upon the wisdom and patriotism of Parliament, and of those who share with him the duties and responsibilities of administration. And above all, upon the efforts of the NAMo government to promote the welfare of every Indian citizen and their Government.
I reverently invoke the support and grace of Almighty God!
NAMo is blessed. All India be now gifted with an uniform civil code. Reunify the country and expand the boundaries of freedom.
The narrow-minded beasts must be excommunicated from affairs of the State.
Jai hind!
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Post is good. But NaMo don’t read all this 🙁
You think so?
Jai hind!
Action speaks louder.
NAMo had an altogether individualistic style of governance .
Every pebble thrown is actually going to turn a flower in the garland of better governance.
Wait and watch.
Showmanship tactics of a restless ,bitter opposition do not steer the vehicle of Governance.
Development,the key!
Hmm….You are correct…NaMo should be allowed to take his election promises further. But it is very surprising that his own party-men are pulling his leg behind by bringing “Religious issues” & now Advani was quoted that coalition is bound to return. Why he issued this statement much to dismay people like me. Does he mean that NaMo rule would not lose for 5 years?
Why NaMo is silent over these issues? At least I want answer of my questions.