‘Achey dinn aaney waaley hain’ prediction!
A busy prime minister diligently goes about his avowed task and agenda for development of every citizen. Those entrusted with delegated duties of good governance are fastidiously doing their respective duties.
The increase in frequency and volume of the decries and those deprecating NAMo for his quiet style of ‘let the actions and results speak for themselves’ is a clear indicator of the right direction in which our country is headed. NAMo knows. NAMo acts. NAMo cares – for the entire Nation. Even those that remonstrate over his silence in face of grave provocation have exhibited signs of change and are believed to have begun to admire the Prime Minister’s commitment to goal of national development. Small wonder then that the uncrowned queen of Congress party, the dual nationality holding ‘daughter of Italy & daughter in law in India’ has passed a whip to Congress M.P.s to not to meet NAMo ,out of fear of their being ‘ converted’ under the karmayogi’s aura of Patriotism & Nationalism.
Peace, to win, has to encounter war. War-mongering has to be silenced. By peaceful means. Not by retaliating ,under extreme provocation, but, by lawful means adopted to set right any imbalance in society of unequals. This war against war has begun. Under NAMo, every anarchist, anti-national element and pseudo-journalist professing to be totem-poles of democracy or oracles of History stand exposed as stuffed scarecrows who would burn as effigies ,in the intensity of their hatred towards a great son of the soil, NaMo !
For, results speak volumes .
Having said this, it is equally in the best interests of good governance and real development to bring in an uniform civil code in the country . For, that still remains the silencer, the game -changer and the discipliner for our Republic.
Chaos will end. Treason must be ended. Only then will there be development for good of our fellow citizens, before life ends.
NAMo is here as a messiah for every voter who supported him as well as those that did not foresee his ability,agility and sincerity of purpose . Spread the good word. Strengthen our efforts. For ourselves as well as all the future generations of India.
The rest of the world will definitely benefit from our development and fulfillment of wants of peace, love and wellness of lives.
There still are signs of perpetuation of the curse of dynastic management of political parties across different regions and States of our country. New laws need to be passed. Existing systems need to be overhauled . Slavery from suppression of purchasing-power based casteist behaviour needs release.
The opposition has miserably failed to make a favourable impression in mind of the general public. They do not appear as being moral ,intellectual or responsible beings.
And,there is blasphemy in the thought that all Indians were born a Muslim as a stage artiste like politico announced to his audience the other day . Was there not life on planet Earth or in the great Indian sub continent millions of years before his self-professed religion of Islam was born a mere 1400+ years ago? And yes, would he who is a Sunni Muslim but frequents Dargahs as a Shia Muslim clarify as to which shade of circumsized -sect his men belong to ? And, is not the ill-treatment of womenfolk by his ilk not inhuman and unconstitutional ?
It is to set right many such attitudinal deficiencies and behavioural disorders that a common civil law becomes a sine qua non for establishment of law& order in a peace-loving society like India.
How does this look today, in the presence of Indian nationalists , dividing and sub-dividing a discourse to show that majority-religions have a natural right to equality , speaking of it relatively and positively, negatively and affirmatively ? To do so would be to make myself ridiculous,and to offer an insult to your understanding.
Yes,six long decades of bombast,fraud,deception, impiety and hypocrisy by a sold-out party, so to speak, would disgrace a nation . All the miserable lives of wronged citizens deserve a new breath of life. For the rest of lifetime . And for future generations .
An uniform civil code alone will put an end to shameless hypocrisy being practised in our land and silence the screaming aggrandisers of ill gotten wealth pelf and power by resorting to sharp practices , generation after generation.
Inhuman mockery and sacrilegious irony is reflected in the provocative challenges being mouthed by a ‘Minority’ politico & the ilk. Does the upstart mean ,to mock NAMo, by asking him to speak . As and when any agent provocateur talks rubbish behind a television camera? If so, there is a great parallel to such conduct.
Here is a warning : one that these secessionist-minded ones can well understand ,better than most others ; it is perilous to copy the example of Babylon ,whose crimes towering up to heaven, were thrown down by the breath of the Almighty,burying that nation in irrecoverable ruin.
Yes, anarchy has secession as it’s central theme and Sharia law is mob law .
Yes, a democracy is not chaos.
There is no place for anti-national elements, for anarchy and for uncouth louts who masquerade as leaders of Minority Islamic population ( the status is disputed even by Muslims on account of their swelling numbers and gulf-driven huge purchasing-power )…
Beware of the Babylonians of India today …
And so, I once again beseech upon all countrymen to shun hatred and preconditioned prejudices in order to help NAMo turn this government into the channel of development that the Preamble to our Constitution envisages it : for justice- social,economic and political.
Jai hind!
- Dip in Ganga for Identity -Engineering - February 14, 2025
- Nation Unchained, People in Chains - February 10, 2025
- He Pushed Me! - December 23, 2024
Jai hind!
Very apt assessment and appreciation of the National scene and NaMo. He is a rare find and has come just in time. Can he build safeguards against the ills of the past 60 odd years ?
I couldn’t agree more w/ ,and I quote,
“The hitchhiker, Aam Adami party was shown it’s place as an also-ran & pseudo-party : more as a clown or clone of the Congress. Who acted as a side-kick to throw the public glare away from deserving punishment for mis governance full of criminal offences, loosely termed ‘scams’. ”