A VoLTE-face!
Politics has been rendered to making an issue out of no-issues.
Reason is not far to seek.
Changing societal mores have relegated religion, philosophy and moral schemes to the backbench, right from school-curriculum through film-scripts to policies of public-governance.
Credence is given to showmanship, self-aggrandizemen t and mass, populist actions.
No more is truth or righteous way of living considered the benchmark to be considered for leadership of institutions,men and society at large.
Psuedo-thinkers are praised.
Shallow plots with mushy lines are conferred awards.
Honest are exiled to wilderness or humdrum existence of being a cog in the wheel of the giant beast called ‘ governance ‘.
Election manifestos are as fictitious as balance-sheets of public-sector (and private) banks.
Everybody forgets the failed promises.
Many even survive in seat of governance by criticizing predecessors or opposition parties.
Together, all survive. As the proverbial basket of prawns which needs no lid, for none would let the others escape .
Which are the issues confronting all countries of the withdraw today ?
Poverty. Hunger. Thirst. Disease. Mortality-rate.
These require correctional policies fir bakar even of power and equitable distribution of available natural resources amongst all humanity and other living beings. Including flora & fauna of the planet Earth.
A few man-made issues loom large as gigantic beasts that monstrously devour man hours, energies and money resources. Such as?
War. Terror. Racism. Fanaticism. Climate control fears.
These are actually the end-results and by-products of non-issues being projected as the real ‘issues’ facing aspirants to power ,governance and administration.
A decadent society. Fallen mankind. Lost generations.
Mixed societies. Messed-up policies. Multi-cultural social-interdependence.
Causative factors?
Illiteracy. Superstitious beliefs. Lack of unity.
Remedial measures ?
Re-engineer .
Concept of religion. Idea of injustice. Practice of law.
Unless laws are just and law-enforcers strict even as judges are kind and bureaucrats freed of black-sheep who are corrupt,lazy and haters of equal-society concept, the impasse continues.
Non-issues. Isolate their propounders. See through conspiratorial policies.
Boycott anti-human, anti-God parties. Ban fanatical, parochial parties. Knit bonds of love, trust, faith, care and compassion.
Politicians should turn missionaries of society. Welfare-state. Rethink the obligations of a mandate enjoyed by a political party in power.
Let thinkers, Saints, nuns, priests and all philosophers turn into mendicants – cut off from everyday life of publicists, advertisers, marketing wizards and ordinary labour refs in factories that mass produce goods and essentials for everyday life of comfort or luxury.
Sportsmen be sportive. Doctors be service-oriented. Lawyers be ethical.
Teachers be revered. Students be just that : obedient disciples of discipline and not budding leaders of misusing funds or abusing institutions.
Laws be revisited. Ban illiterates from contesting to public office. Retire aged, inform, corrupt men in ministerial berths. Let learned citizens man the high offices. Disenfranchise quislings.
Criminality begins and ends in the very act of making an issue out of a non-issue.
To those in the know of jurisprudence, mensrea and res judicata go a long way in restoring semblance of sanity and justice in a most disorderly world.
Diffuse tensions. End confusion. Eliminate chaos.
This alone be the be-all and the end-all of all politics in times now.
A VoLTE-face !
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