A Virus Speaks
By – Pamarty Venkataramana
I am a virus. I have no known shape nor definite origin. Few say am a laboratory product. Some say am the outcome of an accident. Surely, by human tinkering with elements and substances, isn’t it?
Many others just despise me as the curse of 2020.They all hate me.
Wuhan to Humans, all shun me.
Quite a few feel that hospices and not hospitals are their final home if they encounter me.They give me a shape.
Artificial beings created through fiction of law passed by society of humans called corporal entities revel in my existence. Giants among them hog phenomenal funds of really astronomical proportions in a bid to find a vaccination cure, to drive ne away!
Little do these monsters realise that any virus is only going to be more deadly with every avatar and version of me.
Nay, they cannot ‘kill’ me.
I am a result of their internal bickering in international bodies they created to fight disease and forewarn mankind of disease and death.
So, do not blame me. For your sins.
A holy book declares -‘ wages of sin is death’!
Yet, your unholy political alliances that destroyed humane traits as trust, respect, love, peaceful co-existence and universal harmony squarely cast imputations on me-the Covid-19 virus, today.
All world population’s health has come to face a common crisis.
The common refrain heard in every which language of this topsy turvy world is-
‘death to the virus:save human lives!’.
I chuckle away.
Can all the wealth of nations and nuclear weapons of mass destruction hoarded by superpower regimes not destroy a tiny weeny virus as me?
To what purpose is all their scientific research and political structures if they cannot foresee what was coming ? And,to what end are the United Nations agencies when they cannot fill hungry bellies or afford shelters for homeless folks in poorer lands with nil or no fiscal resources and the most advanced countries enslaved to plastic money, alike?
I enjoyed the multiplication of myself via human contact : they would run noses in the middle-eastern region;would shake hands in modern nations and even those with ancient cultural ethos of Namastey had long forgotten the virtues of their ancient civilisation!
They would clink wine glasses, press lift-buttons, sneeze and cough in public spaces.
And, they would rub steering-wheels of cars with affection and build washrooms adjoining bedrooms.
They wouldn’t wash their feet, face or hands immediately before stepping into their homesteads. In short, they had all turned into robotic nuts or bolts with a rat-race emerging as the badge of description for the ‘fallen race’ of human beings.
A label they gave me.
And, to all my predecessors who visited the planet Earth to warn them of consequences of bad health practices and the lack of healthy habits.
But, all ignored.Till I arrived on the scene.
Undoubtedly, I owe much gratitude to the greed and unquenchable thirst for piles of moolah on part of a few mandarins of ‘sleaze and deceit’!
They have shut themselves down into a total lockdown. All are indoors. Thinking my days are numbered. Except that the days have turned into weeks,weeks into months and the months have not turned out to be final.
Thus, life of all populations has taken a strange turn.
It is actually amazing how many people visit you if you are at a conveniently far off place and visible ‘in person’ but a toss a screen of the smartphone or a desktop computer or iPad ,and they have been told you are going to die or quite possibly not going to make it past the general pandemonium caused by the mass media outlets!
Me, a small virus. All press personal have magnified me and pictured me to be a deadly huge monster larger than Godzilla or the long extinct Dinosaur-clan!
If only they could have allowed Ayurveda or Vedic Mathematics or semi-conductor manufacturing to take precedence over innocuous bickering of religions, castes, races, complexions, attire, lingo and gender; if only they had not forgotten to worship Nature rather than condemning it as ‘pagan-worship’,I would not have come to this world.
I am here for good of all. To court all. To teach all. To become an eye-opener for everybody.
Not as a death-knell at all. Do not be shy in the face of death.
Not as a death-knell at all. Do not be shy in the face of death.
I have served my purpose.Wake up all!
Sanitising minds of heartless evil men in seats of power – be it on the domestic front or in public offices is a primary goal.
Clean hands and masked noses come next.
Dietary habits must change.
Public slaughter of animals and mob lynching of men including thuggery, molestations and murderous assaults must end.
Restore dignity of life and spread compassion.
Or else, I have been having a good time, now.
And, shall come back again, and again.
I came not to highlight the realities of death: Living Wills, Astrological businesses, Share-market speculation.
But, to point out the precious value of human life.
The grief of other less fortunate Covid-19 victims and their Families must act as the motivational force to end corruption by high priests of both Politics and Healthcare
As well as the strange common quality of modern generation of humans of ‘trying to ignore life’s end’.
It is good to be alive and kicking!
Either you restore humaneness to Humanity and kick me away as one mankind (out of the Earth’s sphere of disease and despair) or else, be prepared to be kicked out of very existence as a most formidable Force in the Universe – by a little unknown VIRUS 🦠 like me,sooner than later.
I wish to be sole interest of all human beings on Earth.
Alive or Dead- is your choice!
Warning :
(I beseech all Fellow Human Beings to stay safe;stay indoors;stay healthy. Let us resolve to banish the Virus 🦠).
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Was the virus present in our psyche of functional democracies before the red dot became a talking-point.
Autobiography of a Virus… Without Fear or Favour
One must listen what Virus speaks.. well written