A Donkey’s World
A donkey has been the most commonly used vehicle of conveyance in desert lands and hilly terrains, before the horses and horse-powered vehicles took over the world with a rage.
One used to be amused by the tale of a donkey who taught his master, a washer-man, his fitting lesson when he was overloaded & overburdened with huge bundles of dirty linen to be carried over rocky paths to the village stream.
And, soon over the decades of newer and newer versions of motor-vehicles flooding the roadways and highways of the world, one forgot uttering the word-‘donkey’ even as a curse-word or admonishing stupidity of men.
However, one was shocked to notice a news-report the other day of a certain oriental country buying up all the donkeys of the world.
Curiosity got the better and one could not resist the temptation of going back to the report, beneath the bold headline.
What was shocking is that this particular land of communism was hell-bent on buying up all the donkeys from the dark-continent and other parts of the planet, only to kill the donkey and utilize it’s hide for boiling as an ingredient in a few old medications!
So much for humanity and communism !
There are campaigns to save wild life, exotic birds, heritage buildings and even shakes, sharks and snakes.
World bodies have local agents all over the globe to create public nuisance even when hides are worn by models in fashion-parades and on screen,in cinematic works. But, the donkey?
Oh, no. Not a soul. So very inhuman !
In fact, all mankind owes more to the ubiquitous donkey than to the apes and other primates.
For, though scientists dispute the desert religions [whose guiding books speak of Adam and then, Eve from his rib, having been created by Father God], and announce that Darwinian theory of evolution of mankind is the right analysis whereby apes get the pride of place, it is the imbecility and stupidity of a mass of illiterate and semi-literate population of human-beings which reminds people of the poor, little donkey!
A male donkey is a Jack; the female one is called a Jenny. The young one of a donkey is known as a Foal. When the jack is mated with a female horse, the mule is born.
This pedigree is an important one in anthropology sociology ,psychology as well as behavioral sciences .
Our societies are still filled with plenty of donkeys and mules who appear to be housed in form of a human-being..
Now, what intrigues the mule-headed ,rigid traditionalist who believes firmly in constitutionalism, humanism and compassion for fellow beings entitled to equality in the unequal world is -‘ is communism patron of donkey-killing or, are donkeys as communists because they too believe in herd-mentality, commonality and blind-following?
These companions of men are as susceptible and vulnerable as men in communist parties, countries and philosophy. Of course, political parties galore in peoples’ democracies too where such communist-ideology bearing politicians label themselves differently but can very clearly be identified as a congress of donkeys or congregation of regional mules or association of Jenny’s ilk..
If United Nations is a comity of humane nations wanting to live in harmony, peace and kindness, who there is mule-headed enough to not reprimand a veto-power wielding member-nation for such merciless butchery of all the poor donkeys of the world?
Oh yes, indeed..only poorer countries have donkey population, use the donkeys as carriers of cargo and people, alike. Richer lands carry their own luggage, wash their dishes and drag the baggage of lifestyle in a self-sufficient society. They do not have coolies although they can well afford to hire helps or let porters shift their suitcases from car to train or airport.
It will be grave injustice to the donkey to omit a reference to the fact that all donkeys resemble most humans in traits and similarly, almost all human race behaves as a donkey, at some point of time or the other, in a lifetime.
In fact, there are live examples of a whole State electing a self-professed anarchist to run a democratic system. And, of the United Nations letting a known human-rights violator remain a member with power of veto! And, a noted past leader of a future religious following rode his donkey to immortality. Many suspect he rode the donkey by it’s tail since all his adherents believe the opposite of rest of Earth, on every aspect of life and morals.
All recorded facts.
So springs the nagging question -‘ are the voters donkeys or an entire State mule-headed? Is U.N. filled with donkey-like representatives or us the collective-conscience of the world’s foremost body formed in wake of the second world war end and disbanding of the ‘league of nations’ so muleish?
The spirit of a donkey is one of silent suffering, forbearance and stoic silence. At best, it only brays loud and long.
As all social media appears to be copying in style and attitude when they find their elected government of an absolute majority pandering to the moles in mainstream-media and such other cogs of the system of governance..
It is not easy to look into the mirror, peep into one’s good conscience and watch out for jackasses and mules who are outnumbering the donkeys on the farm .
Of course, institutions no longer remain horse-stables or sacred temples of Justice, equity and fair-play. These resemble farms of donkeys.
Donkey, dear oh donkey…
Save the donkeys : Mules stop themselves. .
Oh,Mankind, so unkind..!
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