Even a school-going child would pose a simple question:’ when all Kashmiris are allowed to reside and enjoy benefits of rehabilitation when displaced by terrorists, why can’t the reverse be the case with all other citizens of India?’
Even a school-going child would pose a simple question:’ when all Kashmiris are allowed to reside and enjoy benefits of rehabilitation when displaced by terrorists, why can’t the reverse be the case with all other citizens of India?’
A nation of equal laws and equality before the law honours perceptions, persons and all people. Who are jettisoned to limelight. By hook or by crook.
This essay, by no means, is a repetition of all those well-known declarations about inequities in the educational system, the asymmetry in syllabi or the ever-escalating, prohibitive costs of education even for those families who can affixed to send their children to attend school.
A Lizard’s Tale By Pamarty Venkataramana A dwarf leader. A minion employee. A cunning son-in-law. Maneuvers master bribe-taker. Wins his daughter’s hand in marriage. For, as the old goat-beard gloats-‘ he has all the traces of beating him at his game of deceit, subterfuge and accumulation of wealth’. So, his Apple-of-eyes is in safe hands. […]
Wealth. Gold. Ornaments. Jewellery. Fineries. Possessions. Sweets. Lights. Crackers. Festivities. Joy. Raptures. Celebration. Gifts. Presents. Return gifts. Sharing. Caring. Expressions ⁃ the whole of Festival of Lights can be essayed through these catchwords.
Literature, however, is richer by this additional recognition lent to even the shorter forms of expression. Good literature need not be voluminous, historical or subject matter of critical acclaims or critics’ selection.
To be able to lead a life free from tensions of uncertain, ever-changing, subjective tax-slabs and hassle-free life of affordable, qualitative healthcare.
do not denounce weaker opponents as being bad and do not massage the ego of the self by consoling oneself as ‘as being lesser of the evils’..
Modi Ji can hold sway and invite all industrial houses, MNCs, private trusts and charitable societies to contribute to the corpus and annual upkeep of the Academy (including the disciples, coaches other support personnel) to the Special Fund to be created under direct control of the Honourable Prime Minister whose office would in turn disburse necessary sums to the Academy Director, on a periodical basis, duly audited ,etc.
The ‘foreign-hand’, after all (things said and considered), is wholly ‘desi’, it seems.