Tag: Politics

A Lizard’s Tale

Pamarty Venkataramana (PVR) is a distinguished and eminent international Jurist, Poet, Author, Speaker and Thinker based in India. His many books are published.
Pamarty Venkataramana
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A Lizard’s Tale By Pamarty Venkataramana A dwarf leader. A minion employee. A cunning son-in-law. Maneuvers master bribe-taker. Wins his daughter’s hand in marriage. For, as the old goat-beard gloats-‘ he has all the traces of beating him at his game of deceit, subterfuge and accumulation of wealth’. So, his Apple-of-eyes is in safe hands. […]



Dear NAMO, please deliver a statement in both Houses of Parliament immediately. That all those desirous of enjoying the benefits and privileges of an Indian citizen should not indulge in any kind of religious labeling. Under whatever provocation. Else, face prosecution. For anti-national activities – be it wild , unilateral utterances or any other ‘home-coming’ activities.


गन्दी राजनीति

Be Friend
A retired employee. Keen watcher of social life. Likes to read book & interact with people. Very spiritual but not religious.
Be Friend

गन्दी राजनीति कल एक केंद्रीय महिला मंत्री ने रामज़ादे और हरामज़ादे शब्द का प्रोयोग करके मधु मक्खी का छत्ता छेड़ दिया है. इसमें कोई दो राय नहीं होसकती की इस तरह के शब्द, किसी के लिए ख़ास कर प्रितिपक्ष के लिए, प्रयोग करना आधुनिक समाज में वर्जित होना चाहिए. दुःख इस बात का है की […]


Issues verses Individuals

A retired employee. Keep watcher of social life. Likes to read book & interact with people. Very spiritual but not religious.
Pradeep Shanker

Issues verses Individuals Why I have to write this blog? I have to write because many well-wishers called upon me & expressed that I should avoid individuals but express my views of issues/subjects. I respect my friends/well-wishers views. However I would like to explain why I do so. Here  is my explanation….. Generally I like […]


India Dares SoniaG to face the Inquiry

Only God know s what would have happened to India, had Sonia Gandhi accepted the PM Post. Reacting to Natwar Singh’s book’s revelation about her abdication of Prime Minister’s throne, Sonia Gandhi said that she would write her own book and ‘reveal the truth’. Very good. Will she reveal truth behind all the scams happened in UPA-I & II too?


Be a NaMo

We, the people of India give unto ourselves …’ – so spoke the opening words of the Constitution of India . And, indeed, finally and eventually ,after six plus decades of independence , India has translated the meaning of those opening words of our Nation’s constitution.
