Faith is what one believes to be true ; as possible and comprehensible even though impossible. Belief leads one forward in life even as hope steers the person from darkness to light; from despair to clearer days!
Science is commonly believed to be anti-faith which opinion I beg to differ with: Science is not all about empirical evidence, laboratory-research or piles and mounds of thesis-notes. This is a field of reasoning which like the discipline of theological studies , relies upon stringent reliance placed upon one’s beliefs and thoughts- imaginary or learned !
As such, those who gloat on being ‘ modern ‘ or ‘advanced’ in disregarding the age-old customary practices that have stood the test of time are but novices in the world of human civilisation .
Well, the five elements of Nature – fire,water,sky,earth and air existed well ahead of the industrial revolution or birth of patent-law or tech-savvy governments of the modern era. Discovery of fire by rubbing stony surfaces of rocks was a chance discovery on part of the Neanderthal man. Come Neolithic age and curiosity as a trait grew strong among mankind leading eventually to the current hi-technology era of space stations , stem cells , cloning, robotics and internet invasion of all earth !
So, is science indeed as advanced and modern in connotation to spirituality?
The answer is an emphatic ‘NO’ .
Any such comparison becomes odious because Spiritualism is as old as the creation of Universal force and cosmic energy itself: no scientist ,inventor or discoverer worth his place in history-books has ever achieved any success without an implicit faith placed in the higher realm of belief – of the ‘impossible becoming possible ‘ , not by any magical potion being consumed but by steeling the spirit in the soul of the bodily form and mind ; by steering and directing concerted actions towards a set objective ; and by staying focused on the goal – be it a vision that envisaged human beings flying in air as birds do or by communicating without really travelling via internet / wireless technological aids .
Telepathy or the art of being able to communicate with one another in the spur of a moment and between persons placed far apart ( or in unknown circumstances of life) is by far the most mysterious means of confirmation of the existence of spiritualism as a more potent field of human life than trial and error experimentation processes adopted by others not attesting to beliefs of spiritualism .
There are those many who have made if their enterprise to support scientific education and critical-thinking to overcome religious fundamentalism . And then there are those many others who believe in the war of spirits – one group of spirits that has humanity’s best interests at hand and hordes of other spirits ,with competing plans .
A lively sense of evil at work in the world around us makes all those who grew up with a scientific temperament and encountered umpteen number of hurdles in attainment of set objectives analyse the hidden factors which determine the outcome of success or failure ,not as luck or ill-luck but as being led by an unseen ‘Grace’ or hit by devilry of demonic mind sets ,set upon demeaning, defaming ,defiling goodness – out of sheer jealousies, enmity or envy !
It is not uncommon to read biographies of die-hard votaries of atheism embrace religion of one kind or the other during the fag end of their lives : reason?
The treatment of spiritualism by science is a study by itself. Science and arts are diminished in importance where spiritualism takes precedence over individual claims to ‘playing God’ as would a normal scientist who screams ‘eureka’ in delight , little realising that the robes of science are fit by the master-tailor called -‘ Spiritualism !’ .
Life of mortal beings is forever limited : no amount of scientific development has been able to quell mortality ; end death itself or rejuvenate life beyond a certain span even in conditions of material prosperity, advanced societal environment or green surroundings !
Science takes a bow when spiritualism travels beyond light years . No visa or fuel us required to surpass the dimensions of time, energy, lifetimes,space and births. This may not be comprehensible to the sceptics and the irrational ones that bank upon rationality of their respective levels of life’s experiences to ‘accept’ truth of spirituality .
However, spiritualism too is neither phenomenal spiritualism nor philosophical spiritualism. It is the presence -of light, of existence and of material life beyond materialism .
Take for example, a case of a woman being haunted by past life apparitions from an exotic island which she identifies as being part of modern day Greece . She is saved from evil and sadistic spouse by a soul mate of that birth but even as her faith begins to rescue her from the perilous circumstances, an evil residing amidst her flock exhorts her ,through a devious machination and by force of ‘relative’ relationship to flee from her saviour -soul and denounce the supernatural as being superstitious ‘bunkum’ and return to a life in the dark recesses of disbelief, euphoria and reverse-existentialism !
She is labelled as a gullible lass and all the good sacrifices and incessant efforts of the soul mate from the past/previous births are thrown to the winds by her dubbing it all as ‘unscientific’ !
What then are the repercussions of such treachery , disloyalty or vulnerable mind sets in the backdrop of scientific temperament being attributed to simplest daily acts such as living on a diet or abiding by socially acceptable behaviour of falsity ? Like a school of fish, these little ones inhabit the deep waters of the sharks ,so to speak !
War of spirits !
Indeed , good versus evil is the theme of every scientific pursuit . Betterment of life is the common goal of all these scientific experiments, theories and miracles. Yet, truly miraculous is the ability of those human brings who are endowed with seemingly supernatural prowess to see through , look ahead and to tell a prophesy..
Belittling spiritualism in the name of modern thinking or science is as foolhardy a exercise as trying to be alive for eternity with accumulated wealth or made-up looks or adorned flesh and homestead !
Fact is that all universe is a composition of spirits – good and evil . These two forces have an ongoing battle ,across generations,ages and advancements made by the human civilisation.
It is as important to educate ourselves about the bright and dark spirits that abound the mortal world as it is to send unmanned of manned space-missions to distantly placed planetary bodies ?
Fate versus Faith : this is what moulds destiny of all inhabitants of planet Earth ! It is all in the state of mind – either you believe in being led by goodness that often typifies itself in humility, simplicity and purity of thoughts . The other option of course is more commonly adopted nowadays – darkness which clothes itself in being ostentatious ; in being voluble and forever demeaning good souls . Self-aggrandisement dogs these spirits which reign more in our living world ,today.
Science of spirits cannot be cultivated by applications , meditation or evil methods and tricks of demonic forces but has to be endowed naturally as a Grace of the Almighty Forces of Nature . Stupendous penance, total celibacy and selfless spirit are the pre-requisites for attaining such a salvation in life . How many possess these qualifications?
Not a word. Spiritualism is the world itself . Honour your Faith!
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Science of Spirit!
A very deep topic, which is understood by rares.
Read it twice, to intake each word written. And for the last line, how many posses these qualifications has really made us analyse that “Do i?”
I think this article is for deep reading and understanding, finding words so less to express here!
Thank you Sir!
🙂 God Bless Mankind!
The eternal picture of a Rishi ( sage) in deep meditation and the aum- kaara resonating around the space in the universe, in the fields, across the oceans will epitomise the essay than the cross and the unified field diagram ? Just a thought Editorji. Regards, PVR.