Hero versus Villain

HERO VERSUS VILLAIN  By  Pamarty Venkataramana The world has turned into a topsy turvy one.    A duo took off to the celluloid as hero and villain together from the same film, few decades back. He who started off as a villain soon grew  to don the role of a hero in film after film and […]


Yours Most Obediently!

Yours Most Obediently!            By – Pamarty Venkataramana Exciting times are in for  all ‘idle minds’ and eager beaver reformists of ‘societal systems’ as the ‘wheel of Karma’ goes full circle in a Republic where ‘washing linen in public’ has become germane to desi political screen. It no longer seems shameful for a ‘public servant’ to […]


Checkmate the Devil

Checkmate the Devil              By- Pamarty Venkataramana Evil stalks. Cruelty smiles. Mafia rules.Accidental leaders falter. Failed ones whine. Womenfolk suffer still : domestic violence, workplace harassment, hapless rural girls, exploited urban Stree, et all. Rising number of unemployed menfolk.Failed youth – wayward, astray, falling victims to fatal addictions including drugs, political harakiri, apps-led weddings. Once […]



      Trumped By Pamarty Venkataramana ‘ Flunked ‘ used to be the most abominable phrase at school. Today, in 2021 A.D, there’s a newer phrase ,viz, ‘Trumped’. ‘Trumped ‘ is not about trumped-up charges. Nor is that about blowing one’s own trumpet.  It is more akin to someone cocking a snook at someone who was […]


Morals and Methods

Morals and Methods          By- Pamarty Venkataramana Are morals and methods polar opposites in every way? Is it a truism that today’s moral philosophy rests more on tricks than virtues? Is it indeed sportsmanship when players are auctioned at sponsored events? Is happiness the result of pursuit of virtues and sadness or […]


Hocus-pocus of Social-media

Hocus-Pocus of Social-Media             By – Pamarty Venkataramana The biggest marvel of the internet-age has been the broadening of societal-reach and a greater narrowing of public-opinion. Let us focus our attention on the @twitter platform, as a case in point. Opinionated deliberations when reduced to a 140-characters tweet gain even more traction as sparks fly around […]


The Year That Wasn’t

The Year That Wasn’t           By – Pamarty Venkataramana 2020 A. D.The year that wasn’t.It just tunneled all world.New thoughts flooded.Panic struck all lands.Economies came to a standstill Kaleidoscope of life now showed online classes, work from home and deserted roads.Fear gripped the advanced western hemisphere as well as the so-called Third World countries and under-developed […]


Exile the Pall-bearers!

Exile the Pall-Bearers!       By- Pamarty Venkataramana Who are the pall-bearers of our democratic society? We,the People? Nay.  Voting public? No. The hapless; the specially abled deaf-dumb-blind-paralysed-incapacitated;the disabled war veterans? No way. The poor peasant farmers;farm labourers; maid servants; weavers; sculptors; artisans; chowkidars; cobblers; vendors; shopkeepers; teachers; doctors; engineers; cooks; gardeners; electricians; plumbers; drivers; […]
