Real Empowerment of India is a blog post by Ms. Janani Srinivas. She has written that women empowerment is real empowerment of India for which mind-set is to be changed.
Real Empowerment of India is a blog post by Ms. Janani Srinivas. She has written that women empowerment is real empowerment of India for which mind-set is to be changed.
Nitish Kumar and his Secular Face deals is a post which describes the dual character of Nitish Kumar. He said one point of time saying that leaders have to don a topi and tilak at the same time. At mosques he has no aversion in wearing a skull cap and clicking pictures with Muslims but at Gurdwara he did not cover his head despite Sikh leaders asking him to do so. He is feigning secularism. Perhaps had Sikh been 15 per cent in Bihar he would have no problem in covering his head.
Rise of AAP & Questions there afterward deals with two main questions. (1) Who created AAP? (2) Will Indian political system will adjust itself to this new reality? Or This new reality will adjust to present traditional political system? Or it will parish like Janta Party government?
Is there any moment which made your life satisfactory? is an inspiring incident from Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam.
Your Methods were Unorthodox Mr. Kejriwal has been written by Sh CM Rao highlighting high & low points in Aaam Aadmi Party’s phenomenal rise & its brand of politics.
Why do I blog? I blog because I get satisfaction, It gives me a trill, it gives me freedom. I blog because I can make a difference. All too can join the journey.
Haar Nahi Manunga, Raar Nahi Thanunga is a birthday wish to our beloved leader to Sh Atalji.
Power of Will is story of Alexander the Great written by Sh. Ranganadhan.S. The moral of the story is “Footprints on the sands of time are not made by sitting down”
AAP ka Funda is an analysis of circumstances which gave birth to Aam Aadmi Party & its phenomenal rise in political horizon & dissects whether this party survive or get lost?
National Youth Corps Appeal through Social Media to support J&K youth in getting honorable work so that J & K too comes in main national stream.