Author: Ak Srivastava “With respect to first of these arguments,I do not think S100 imposes on Parliament the duty to continue to provide Judges with precisely the same type of pension they received in 1867. The Canadian Constitution is not locked for ever in a 119 year old casket. It lives and breaths and is capable of growing […]


Misuser of Public Funds

Author: Ak Srivastava I am appalled at the misuser of Public Funds in releasing BHARAT NIRMAN ads  on almost all the channels of electronic media, in every print media and on every nook and corner of Delhi costing thousands of Crores to the Public Exchequer.My information’s are  that the funds are being released by GOI. If […]


The Third Front

Author: Ak Srivastava Third Front government in 2014,is just to glamorize its constituents and nothing more than that. It is a mirage they are chasing ending in Nothing Found At the Last Syndrome. To start with, it is a devise for most of its constituents to distance itself from UPA and the sins committed by UPA. […]


Value The Relationship

Value The Relationship Author: Ak Srivastava (To check author’s profile, click here) “Mata Ram Matpita Ramchandram,Swami Ram Matsakha Ramchandra” (An extract from Sri Ram Raksha Stotram by Budh Kaushik) The above stanza from Sri Ram Raksha Stotra is heat and soul of a devotee who binds himself with Lord Ram and matures his devotion to […]
