An Opportunity Squandered

Author: Ak Srivastava A golden opportunity fell into the lap of Arvind Kejriwal by a windfall which has been completely squandered by AAP leadership. It won 28 seats but still not enough to form government in Delhi but Congress gave unconditional support for what ever intention but 28+8 made it a workable majority in Assembly. Congress […]


SRCC Revisited

 Author: Shashank Chowdhury The noise levels in the National Capital have been deafening for the last few days, compounded by the continuous pounding of ‘AAP Kirtan’ by the Digital Media. The noise has not only been deafening, it has been so banal that it increasingly becomes intolerable and irritating. Therefore, one naturally, tends to introspect about the […]


Love at first sight!

Friends, this story is based on real life. My friend who studied with me in collage was a victim of love. I watched her life closely and also shared sorrow. With her permission I am writing this story.     ——————————– Author: Janani Srinivas I am taking you all 16 yrs back, Sudha my friend, a beautiful […]



Author: Ak Srivastava Arvind Kejriwal has proved his point that time and again that he is a rabid anarchist. For Kejriwal nothing matters to him except his own whim and fancy. The Constitution, the laws and the norms of the politics and society hardly matters to him. Kejriwal who is the produce of street agitation remains […]


U-Turn on NaMo

Author: Ak Srivastava It came as a Sweet Dream Come True for NaMo supporters and Where To Hide Our Face for Congress situations when the news broke in the morning that US envoy Nancy Powell is likely to meet Sri Narendra Modi, Gujarat Chief Minister on February 14 or February 15. There is buzz in political […]


Emblems and Names

Emblems and Names Author: Ak Srivastava While working in our Bar Association Library in Supreme Court, I came across an Act of Parliament passed in 1950 called THE EMBLEMS AND NAMES (PREVENTION OF IMPROPER USE )ACT, 1950 which extends to whole of India and also applies to citizens of India outside India. It came into force […]
