Author: Ak Srivastava Combating Modi in election arena is unnerving Congress and they are using all kinds of foul language to demean Modi. Salman Khurshid, India`s Foreign Minister called Modi, Gujarat Chief Minister “Impotent “for his inability to handle Godhara riots. The word “Impotent” is commonly used, claims Salman forgetting that the expression is unparliamentary. Once […]


A Lot can happen over coffee

Author: Ranganadhan.S This is a beautiful love story which circulated vigorously in internet few years ago; some of us might have read it, many of us might not have read. I thought to write this with appropriate modification for those who are reading this for first time. It was a Metro city, with busy traffic, busy […]


Kargil Lest we forget

Author: Ranganadhan.S Manoj Pandey was born in Sitapur , Uttar Pradesh, his father Shri Gopi Chand Pandey, a small time businessman living in Lucknow.  Manoj was elder son to their parents. He had his preliminary education at Sainik School, Lucknow and Rani Laxmi Bai Memorial Senior Secondary School. Even since is school days Manoj was interested in sports, he loved boxing […]


Shameless Politicians Do not stoop so low

From Editor’s Desk हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें No one can deny that last few days were blackest days in Indian democracy & politics. No one can imagine the level up to which Indian Politics & Politicians can stoop low. Theoretically the ultimate aim of politics & politicians is to ‘get power’ […]


Demise of 15th Lok Sabha

Author: Ak Srivastava Today the 15th Lok Sabha came to the end of its 5Yrs. term. Members paid rich tribute to the Chair and complemented each other. Looking back to its five yrs.term, this Lok Sabha transacted minimum number of business which it was obliged to transact, adjournments and suspension of working hours and days have […]


A Question

Author: Ak Srivastava I am just posing A Question to all BJP supporters and more particularly to Modi`s supporters with regard to stand taken by the BJP in Lok Sabha on TELANGNA issue. Telangna issue was hanging fire for the last 60 yrs. In the last 10 yes the issue had taken a new height when UPA had promised in its manifesto in 2004 to create the state. Aspirations ran very high when Chandrasekhar Rap, TRS chief joined the UPA government but when found that UPA was […]


Hero of 9/11

Author: Sh. Ranganadhan.S Daniel  Mark Lewin(Danny) was born on May 14, 1970 in Denver, Colorado and raised in Israel. After finishing his basic education he joined Defence and he served for four years in the Israel Defence Forces as an officer in Sayeret Matkal, which was one of special unit in Israel Defence.  Lewin earned the rank of captain.   […]


A big salute t(w)o legends

Author: Sh. Ranganadhan.S  Ignacy Jan Paderewski was born in 1860 he was a Polish pianist and also a world famous substantial composer, including many pieces for piano. He became world famous for the Minuet in G, Op. 14/1, part of a set of six pieces that are otherwise forgotten. In 1901 his sole opera Manru received its world premiere at Dresden, […]
