Game of Warlords

It is a rustic habit for people to gather wherever there is a commotion. Sociologists would confirm you that it is a primitive trait of mankind, an animal instinct. Bibliophiles will assert that it is a natural character of humans to be curious. Criminologists will vouchsafe that it is a an attribute of bad blood […]



The most under-utilized resource of our lifetime . Certain societies have this as the most wayward chunk of their existence . Few others forcibly ensure youth are strength of all compulsory conscription into underutilized manpower called army . India has no set plan for its youth . In fact, being a largely conservative society of […]



Author: Ak Srivastava The season to walk straight is up now and walking zig-zag has come. Every political party and many politicians have abandoned the straight path as it does not suit them in the changing scenario. Whether there is Modi wave or not,can be contested by various political parties and loudly they deny this wave […]


Are We Preaching Cruelty?

 When you take a look at our Indian Society you’ll spot holes that will take centuries to fill. Bonded Labor, Khap Panchayat, Honor Killings, the list is simply endless. But the one which simply makes my heart bleeds is Child Labor. I feel very sad when I come across little children below twelve years old […]
