Modi has enemies in the form of the Dynasty, the Press, The So-called Intellectuals , the soft rightists within his party, the Powerful Nations of the World.
Modi has enemies in the form of the Dynasty, the Press, The So-called Intellectuals , the soft rightists within his party, the Powerful Nations of the World.
In the post Why NaMo Only the author has given very solid reasons why only Modi should lead India as Prime Minister.
This video is whole story in itself which is related to Panyee FC which is one of the most successful youth football clubs in Southern Thailand. The team originate from Ko Panyi, an iconic small fishing village built on stilts situated in the Phang Nga Province. The team is famous for playing on a floating football […]
Sh. Chandra Maniar who is an financial expert, has shown Modi’s possitive effect on Stock market in his post Modi’s “SenSex” Appeal
In Har Har Modi post the author has pointed out the unnecessary controversy raised over this slogan in the name of religion.
Enemies Within is another hard hitting post by Sh. AK Srivastava indicating the danger in BJP party. Talk about 160 club or D-4 camp may not be without any basis.
“Does anyone remember who the chief minister of Maharashtra was during the Mumbai riots which were no less deadly than the Gujarat riots of 2002?
In the post “Is BJP Losing the Plot” the author has shown the danger at last minute finish when the opposition may corner BJP & Modi
In his post, Profiling AAP, Sh. Chandra Maniar has critically pointed out effect of out of AAP & its leader’s action. A must read post