A Zoological Survey

Gross national income, per capita income, real value of Indian rupee around the globe and happiness quotient of leading a wealthy lifestyle are key factors to be borne in mind before pressing the button on the electronic voting machine. Big fish eating small fish trend must disappear with the NaMo-tsunami hitting the mainland post of governance in our country!



Country is feeling suffocated and strangulation, they saw a ray of hope in Modi`s promises At this juncture, these spoilers have to be forgotten like a nightmare. It is fervently hoped that the words of these spoilers are dismissed as a bad omen and only Narendra Modi`s words have to be remembered.


Point and Counterpoint

Mr. Ram, you are positioned to write these articles due to your long association with Journalism by virtue of inheritance. Your career has been long. I cannot say, how outstanding it has been. But from your current state of hate-mongering against Modi and his fans, we do not get a feeling of any excellence in your past.


West’s Modi paranoia

New York Times which has always called Narendra Modi a ‘Polarizing Figure’ is apprehensive about what Modi will do to Muslims if he becomes prime minister. In an article titled India’s Muslims wary of rising political star it quotes known Modi baiters like Prof. Varshney who casts doubts on Modi’s serious efforts to moderate his decisive, no-nonsense persona in recent months.
