Dear NAMO, please deliver a statement in both Houses of Parliament immediately. That all those desirous of enjoying the benefits and privileges of an Indian citizen should not indulge in any kind of religious labeling. Under whatever provocation. Else, face prosecution. For anti-national activities – be it wild , unilateral utterances or any other ‘home-coming’ activities.


गन्दी राजनीति

गन्दी राजनीति कल एक केंद्रीय महिला मंत्री ने रामज़ादे और हरामज़ादे शब्द का प्रोयोग करके मधु मक्खी का छत्ता छेड़ दिया है. इसमें कोई दो राय नहीं होसकती की इस तरह के शब्द, किसी के लिए ख़ास कर प्रितिपक्ष के लिए, प्रयोग करना आधुनिक समाज में वर्जित होना चाहिए. दुःख इस बात का है की […]


35 years gone waste

It is not my biography. It is a story of the pain & anguish my generation faced as last 35 years gone waste. I was born on 7th October, 1982. My elder brother & sister were born in 1976 & 1979 respectively. Like all other, we, all brother & sister including cousins, spent out childhood in play […]


BJP in the eyes of Secular History

Last night I had a dream. In the dream, I found myself in a conclave, being addressed by top secular & liberal historians. The main topic was “BJP in the eyes of Secular History” Though I am a not good history student but I am keenly interested in the history. BJP is a hot topic currently, so I started listening attentively.
