Wake up India

Wake up, India 🇮🇳 !      by – Pamarty Venkataramana Courage. Bravery. Valour. These are the stripes worn by every soldier in the armed forces of India 🇮🇳! A life unlike any other, the rank and file serve ever so selflessly wherever they be posted and to a man, officers as well as jawans […]


The New Birth of Freedom

The new birth of Freedom’ ! by- Pamarty Venkataramana The present chaos and pandemonium situations being witnessed by the country ,in State after State,election after election,is a good omen.It is not an ominous sign for the positivists of a constitutional democracy. It is rather ‘ a new birth of freedom ‘. The ‘distinguished honour’ of […]


Wanted : Doctors of Society

 Wanted : Doctors of Society By- Pamarty Venkataramana India is a mystery still both to the vast majority who are not oriented with its rich heritage and culture full of truth and beauty as well as to those multitudes that have savoured its taste for knowledge and learning across millions of years. India can be […]


राजस्थान में बीजेपी के नेताओंके बगावती तेवर

राजस्थान में वसुंधरा राजे के कुप्रवन्ध के कारन बीजेपी की ज़मीन खिसकी है। ऊपर से धनश्याम तिवाड़ी के बागवती तेवर बीजेपी के मुखियों के लिए परेशानी का सबब बनी हुयी है।
इस विषय पर युगवाणी की एक रिपोर्ट।


Hail the Chief

 Hail the Chief ! – Pamarty Venkataramana Myths are the foundation of great nations.Be it a people’s democracy or a monarchy led constitutional democracy,the farce is the facade of the Houses of Society! Likewise,the Judiciary. Beginning from the wigs and collar-bands to the flowing gowns , it is all beautiful peacocking style. In fact,it is […]


The midnight rendezvous

The midnight rendezvous by  – Pamarty Venkataramana A gang of good fellows are we? Few call us mandarins of government. Others hate our power and call us mongers of power. Loose-tongued ones call us- ‘power-brokers’. More literate folk salute us as ‘civil servants’. The staid old world of legalese dubs us as -‘bureaucrats ‘ ! A […]


Ape not, Pappu!

Ape not, Pappu! by – Pamarty Venkataramana The company you keep . Perhaps the very first common lesson taught by all parents and teachers to children . We all were and have heard this often – even in later years . Am sure quite many of my ‘married’ readers would be listening to this phrase from […]
