A Cult Reality!

A Cult Reality! By- Pamarty Venkataramana From being a face of rallies to becoming the rallying force behind a whole billion plus nation of multiple ideologies and many castes coexisting with world religions embracing the lives of the inhabitants of this great ancient land of several firsts, Narendra Modi has grown into a cult-figure. But […]


India wins ; Media cheers!

India wins ; Media cheers!     By– Pamarty Venkataramana  Polls -2019 was an election with a difference. Primarily because these were times when technology reigned supreme and the robustness of tech tools and aids of technology came for severest public scrutiny. All thanks to the huge propaganda blitz unleashed by mass media centres. Essentially propelled […]


Fathering a Nation

Fathering a Nation By- Pamarty Venkataramana Ascribing a permanent relationship to a nation and for posterity is a glowing example of how a ‘myth’ is created. There are mythical characters galore in all classical texts and works of ancient civilisations of mankind. And then,there are real mythological tales of bygone eras on planet Earth! From […]


A make-believe City & it’s Chief?

A make-believe City & it’s Chief? By- Pamarty Venkataramana Most modern day capital cities are beautified relics of the past. Or,are they they? Delhi literally is a city that has capitalised on being built over tombs of yesteryear-invaders who conquered the land of the wise and the meek. Indraprastha and Hastinapur aren’t symbolic dead cities […]


The Foreign Hand

The Foreign Hand By- Pamarty Venkataramana India has been going through one of the most democratic exercises of modern world : the ongoing elections being conducted in a phased manner to facilitate the smooth deployment of security forces to help the Election Commission conduct it smoothly and fairly are both energising as well as traumatising […]


Dam Right, Not Damned

Dam right, not damned !  By- Pamarty Venkataramana Let’s begin this story with an extract from published record – ..’ Mullaperiyar dam issue is between two south Indian states that is between Tamil Nadu and Kerala. It was 116 years ago; the dam was built on the Periyar River to restore the water. The dam […]


Pied Piper of India

Pied Piper of India 🇮🇳  By – Pamarty Venkataramana The Constitution of India announces that it has been bestowed upon all India by ‘we, the people’. It has however created few institutions that are regarded as being the pillars of a democratic society. On the basic premise that we, the People are a civilised lot […]
