Category: Guest Column

Collection of Essays written by Guest writers

Six Nails gone Three to go

So, the Party is on the verge of Death. The elaborate arrangement of a coffin comes in the Form of a General Election. A timely preparation for the coffin induces an administrative need of a nine-phase voting schedule. Each phase acts as an effective nail in the coffin. Six of them have gone in. Three to go. Three weeks to go.


A Zoological Survey

Gross national income, per capita income, real value of Indian rupee around the globe and happiness quotient of leading a wealthy lifestyle are key factors to be borne in mind before pressing the button on the electronic voting machine. Big fish eating small fish trend must disappear with the NaMo-tsunami hitting the mainland post of governance in our country!



Country is feeling suffocated and strangulation, they saw a ray of hope in Modi`s promises At this juncture, these spoilers have to be forgotten like a nightmare. It is fervently hoped that the words of these spoilers are dismissed as a bad omen and only Narendra Modi`s words have to be remembered.
