This is a work of satire. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Collection of Essays written by Guest writers
This is a work of satire. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
A Lizard’s Tale By Pamarty Venkataramana A dwarf leader. A minion employee. A cunning son-in-law. Maneuvers master bribe-taker. Wins his daughter’s hand in marriage. For, as the old goat-beard gloats-‘ he has all the traces of beating him at his game of deceit, subterfuge and accumulation of wealth’. So, his Apple-of-eyes is in safe hands. […]
Religion of Light! By Pamarty Venkataramana Light. Sound. Action. Lamps. Sweets. Pooja. Crackers. Noise. Bustle. Oh, the mosquitoes flee. All enjoy sweets, laughter, gifts. Spirit of love . Variety of lamps adorn the walls, houses, streets. All is well. Good triumphs. Evil groans. Humanity smiles. Egotist ones turn most humble. Children imitate Elders-share, care, gift, […]
Wealth. Gold. Ornaments. Jewellery. Fineries. Possessions. Sweets. Lights. Crackers. Festivities. Joy. Raptures. Celebration. Gifts. Presents. Return gifts. Sharing. Caring. Expressions ⁃ the whole of Festival of Lights can be essayed through these catchwords.
Lost, not found Hearts! By Pamarty Venkataramana Heartfelt. Heartless. Hearty. As Alien as the aliens, themselves. No longer humane. Yes. Gone are the days. When one had a hearty laugh. When all were heartily invited. When hearty greetings were expressed. When heartlessness was considered to be beastly and crude. And, bad and worse than a soul […]
Harping on Dalit factor, a long forgotten state of existence god she who has risen virtually from squalor and dirt to the high flying ability to charter an aeroplane to fetch a pair of chappals from Mumbai as the presiding chief minister of that very largest State of the country is damn-sure politics for this woman leader.
Utter nonsense can only be dismissed by spelling out hidden truths of traditional festivals, customs and a smile explanation can be by asking these loose characters as to why they celebrate their birthday only a set date on the calendar which gets repeated every 365 days
शायद दूसरी या तीसरी में पढता रहा होऊंगा। दोपहर को दूसरी मंजिल के मुरेड पर दो कबूतर दिखाई दिए। छत पर जाने के लिए लकड़ी की सीढ़ी ही थी। परंतु वह केवल काम पड़ने ओर लगती थी। कबूतर देख कुछ ऐसा ताव चढ़ा की, तुलसीदास को पिछड़ते हुए, बारी(दीवार से निकली िनत) पकड़, बमुश्किल तमाम, जान खेल, चढ़ना था सो चढ़ गया।
In guise of ‘art-films’, the leftists took over. Experimentation led to entry of anti national elements funding the making of movies, especially in Bombay film industry.
A Selfie-King! By Pamarty Venkataramana Am the czar. Of a State I finally split. After tremendous amount of struggle. Where innocents took to streets, to cook food on roads. In mass protest. Where a few gullible, unfortunately lost lives in acts of self-immolation. Where I had to fly a thousand miles to prostrate at the feet […]