The epic victory of mr. Narendra Modi leading his party, the Bharatiya Janata Party to a thumping majority in the general elections to a 542- seats Parliament of India called Lok Sabha ( House of People ) is a case to study .
Not only for the massive combination of technological campaigning style adapted coupled with a series of mass interaction programmes attended by him ( NaMo ,for short ) but also due to the fact of him taking on one of the most powerful and dangerous of political coalition groups known to modern world. There were bomb blasts , there was thunderstorm and there was a large hue and cry about how and why industrial houses were backing a person of lowly tea-boy origin to be jettisoned to highest post of power in the world’s largest democracy.
People , small ,humbly placed, small time workers, farm glands, casual labourers, housewives, semi literate daily wage workers, highly educated, self employed professionals, business persons, hawkers, cobblers, merchants , teachers, doctors of philosophy, pundits of theology , saints and social service workers – they all were largely instrumental in his victory. NaMo is not an individual. He is not an ex-chief minister of one State . He is no longer a man but a phenomenon .
NaMo is the ‘ people of India ‘!
‘ We, the people of India give unto ourselves …’ – so spoke the opening words of the Constitution of India . And, indeed, finally and eventually ,after six plus decades of independence , India has translated the meaning of those opening words of our Nation’s constitution.
The fabric of being a Peoples’ Republic and a sovereign,socialist,secular Republic has come to be understood in it’s fullest sense by a vast majority of voters of India.
No longer are those empty words of rhetoric to be mouthed by students of law or literature but meaningful phrases of thoughts and a philosophical guideline to govern the Nation of free citizens . As a lighthouse does , so does the Constitution spell out the course of action a NaMo Government has to tread and like a beacon of light , NaMo would implement the plans to help transform a casteist -ridden, unequal society divided on lines of religion and planks of economic strength, imaginary genetic supremacy of one person over another into a spectre of the past.
Soon, UpA -regimes and predecessor -congress governments would be relegated to dust bin of history and India will be looked up on by the comity of nations as a formidable force , as a respected Spiritual power with supernormal human resources that engine the societies of almost every civilised nation on the globe !
How did NaMo rose to a power of authority within the BJp and developed the skills required of him to make an impact in displacement of the well entrenched coterie of pelf, power and brute force is another study . For another day !
Today is a turning point in the history of the world . Not because a certain party created a world record at the hustings in a certain country of the world but more because it has been exhibited live by the world’s largest agglomeration of democratic people that Hope ,Faith, Belief are the personal values essential to create a moral strength and build a force with confidence to counter dark forces like poverty, backwardness of thoughts, fragility of vision .
Mission and vision are not just personal or individualistic but the entire karmic energy of a sea of population can be moulded, altered ,changed for a desired transformation.
War need not be fought like guerrillas wielding guns or terrorists who kill and snatch others lives, indiscriminately nor by levying trade embargoes over weaker partners of commerce : but, war can mean being passionate about a set objective .
Have faith in the power of universe to conspire and abet your success . Have self confidence. I still and believe in those who rally around your vision, mission and dream to support and help materialise it as a goal attained . Be purposeful . Be human. Be a NaMo !
India is on the brink of a metamorphosis in it’s policies , economic, social, political. Diplomacy and justice matters be accorded as much importance as commerce and information technology . Healthcare , hospitality and agriculture industries require utmost patronage. To the working classes , free them from the yoke of unfair taxation structures .
To every citizen , provide a house , an employment and adequate food supplies at affordable costs . Be it rice, wheat, vegetables, fruits, meat, fish or cooking oil and gas, let not brokers of trade and black marketeers hoard ,hold and strangle lives of unsuspecting hapless citizens that voted for such a tsunami -like change as also that of their families .
Do not forgive sinners of previous regime. Do not harbour appointees of previous government in key constitutional posts and every government posting worth it’s designation. Flush out anti-national elements from all walks if life. Inculcate the sense of nationalism.
Parochial parties may turn national now that there is a vast scope for the emergence of decent , new national parties. A lot more but this humble beginning starting with bringing about of an uniform civil code is a must .
Be a NaMo !
Humanity has hope , to live , to be alive , to come alive!
Peace of mind of every citizen in the nation is an essential yardstick to measure the success quotient of good governance .
Be a NaMo !
- Dip in Ganga for Identity -Engineering - February 14, 2025
- Nation Unchained, People in Chains - February 10, 2025
- He Pushed Me! - December 23, 2024
This colossal victory of NAMO proves the people did voted for the nation…As NAMO said “INDIA HAS WON”…..God bless NAMO and God Bless India…..
Wonderful read….Thank You 🙂
May every citizen be a NaMo and help rebuild the nation from a crumbled system/ structure.
Thanks and regards,
Jai Hind!
Feeling of Real-Land being converted into Dream-land!
The 1st step is here accomplished, now all focus on new beginning, new life, new success, new Developed India!
Amazingly written, new Plan of Action, Sir!
Thank you .
Youth of the nation must be taught to -‘be a NaMo ‘ meaning a dedicated patriot with set goals, disciplined life and meaningful existence ,within four corners of the jaw of the land.
God bless India.